"The foreign office workers of Lutherstadt Wittenberg are menacing, abusing and insulting refugee activists that denounce their unjustified treatment.
Discriminations and arbitrary mentalities developed against refugees by foreign office's civil servants of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and Sachsen-Anhalt at large are alarming"
To the minister of interior affairs Sachsen-Anhalt and its divisions Mr. Holger Stahlknecht, to the president of the state administration office of Sachsen-Anhalt and its department in charge of foreign affairs Mr. Pleye, to the chief of administrative office of Lutherstadt Wittenberg Mr. Jürgen Dannenberg and to the local and state officials of Sachsen-Anhalt.
The foreign office workers of Lutherstadt Wittenberg are menacing, abusing and insulting refugee activists that denounce their unjustified treatment. Discriminations and arbitrary mentalities developed against refugees by foreign office's civil servants of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and Sachsen-Anhalt at large are alarming.
Civil servants are basically meant to serve the public without discrimination but what refugees experience in the local government of Lutherstadt Wittenberg is the contrary. The employees of the foreign office of Lutherstadt Wittenberg developed a nasty mentality of humiliation and criminalization towards refugees. They developed a practice of ethnic segregation between African, Arabian, Indian, Asian, East European refugees, etc. as to judge by themselves on who is good refugee and who not – e.g. who came new to be given working permit or who are old and will not be granted working permit etc.
Through our practical experiences and analyses it is shown that the civil servants of the foreign office of Lutherstadt Wittenberg disadvantage refugees through ignorance, humiliation, insults and all sorts of arbitrary abuses with the aim to deny refugees their legal rights.
These implementations expose the majority of refugees to sicknesses and repression for so many years without perspective. From our empirical research we found out that a higher percentage of these refugees affected were African refugees in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
The foreign office of Lutherstadt Wittenberg developed a strategy to intentionally deny refugees their right to residence and working permits. Even those pregnant or who gave birth to a child were exposed to difficulties by means of delaying tactics for so many years. Those trying to marry find it also difficult because of the incriminating behavior of the authorities by false allegations that will prolong the procedure, etc. They developed the mentality of doing all they can do to stop progress of a refugee advancing in the society.
To many refugees who had cooperated by presenting their legal documents, such as their official birth certificate the foreign office did everything they could with the aim to discredit the cooperation of these refugees. Do you know why?
If a refugee is proclaimed cooperative, this will enhance her or his legal status of residence. Therefore, the foreign office developed a strategy of declining refugee’s official documents as false and thereby applying refugees as non-cooperative.
These practice of imposing false allegation on refugees paved way to an arbitrary tendency of administrative refusals in the decision making process.
The foreign office declares refugee’s identities as "unknown" or "not declared" by themselves without the consent of the refugees concerned. This abusive distortion of "cooperation" into “non-cooperation” to disadvantage refugees with the intention to deny refugees their legal right has been highly in practice in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
The consequences of their abuse on refugees are horrible, whereby a majority of refugees were left abandoned for many years without perspective and banned from working permits.
Our open letter of protest is to denounce all these practices of menacing, abusing and insulting refugee activists that are controlling and denouncing unjustified treatment. We denounce racist discriminations and arbitrary mentalities against refugees by the civil servants in the foreign offices of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and Sachsen-Anhalt at large. It is unbearable and intolerable for refugees in a multi-polar world of 21st century that foreign office's civil servants insult, humiliate, abuse and discriminate refugees.
To stop persecuting and repressing refugees and refugee activists
All refugees with "Duldung" status must be legalized without compromise! Stop the persecutions and destruction of human beings and human dignity.
Persistence of such practices will result in public resistance, civil disobedience, media reports and legal charges.
Flüchtlingsbewegung Sachsen-Anhalt, The Caravan for Right of Refugees and
Migrants and The Voice Refugee Forum
KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und Migrantinnen (Wittenberg)
Flüchtlingsbewegung Sachsen Anhalt.
The Voice Refugee Forum (Wittenberg)
Tel: +4917699321843
E-mail: fluchtlingsbewegungsa@hotmail.de
Web: http://refugeeinitiativewittenberg.blogspot.de, thecaravan.org, thevoiceforum.org