Invitation to the first preperation-meeting for the "Break Deportation Solidarity Actionweekend" in January 2017
When? Thursday, 8th of December
Where? In the rooms of the "Demokratischer Jugendring" (Seidelstraße 21)
As Break Deportation Network we are planning for the end January 2017 a big Event against deportations in Thüringen and in Solidarity with Roma-Thüringen-Activist Shani Haliti, who is currently fighting the deportation of his family.
We are going to discuss the refugee-migrants campaign to Break the deportation culture of the German and European racist nationalism; to fight the deportations, the crimes of deportation, the corruption of the deportation system, the ignorance of human dignity in freedom of movement by the German elites and politicians.
We already plannend a concert, party and discussion-event on thursday (28th of january) evening in "Cafe Wagner". Two Bands already confirmed their coming: System-D from Leipzig ( und Schwabinggrad Ballet from Hamburg (
But there is still a lot to do! For the preparation and Organization of the Event in Wagner and maybe also more discussions, actions and so on, we need you support and your ideas! For that, you are invited to our first preperation meeting on the 8th of December!
In Solidarity,
Break Deportation Jena