Original text in French and translated into English:
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Sachsen-Anhalt: Salomom Wantchoucou is under the threat of deportation from the Möulau Isolation camp in Sachsen-Anhalt.He is now threatened to participate in next Nigerian mobile deportation hearing on the 11.11.08.in Halberstadt.
For any form of solidarity and support please contact him through the address bellow:
Refugee mews from Möulau
Public opinion
Salomon Wantchoucou is a political and human right activist in the republic of Benin. I was born in the Republic of Benin by a south african mother and living in Benin and South Africa. I equally made my profesional education in this two lands; for this reasons I speaks the language of his country Fon, french and english.
In relations to my political engagement and activities in the Rep of Benin whereby he emphasised on the critism of States Political systems and corruptions which were been practiced by the elites. All these practicis hinders the developement of our country he saids.
My political criticism lead to the secret planification of assasination attempts on my life by the my political counterparts in Rep of Benin in 2001 during the presidential electorale campagne.
Unfortunately the gun shot fired, the bullet did not get to his chest or heart rather got my left hand. After his first treatement in cotonou, he had automatically or obligatory left the country to secure his life here in Germany in 2001 August.
Even arriving in germany, the hand which was hited by the bullet was disturbing him, to that he had to go to hospital for a medical checkups. I was admitted in hospital of Zerbs in the former "landkreisRosslau" which is now "landkreis of Rosslau-Dessau" and had been operated to remove the bullet in his body. The doctors deliverd "Doctors Report" including photographs taken during the time of operation. This Doctors report where been given to a Lawyer called Kohler in Magderburg who himself blocked and refused to give it back to me.
Apart from all these truths my demandes for asyl was rejected despite the threat to my and danger in benin at the same time I demanded a consecutive asyl which was in process befor my abscent. I deposited a new application and reported a for consecutive asyl on 05.09.2008 to which i recieved no decision and no information.
Instead to accor to him the necessary protection, the foreigne office where accusing me that I dont know Benin because he did not present any document. The condition which i left the country was quit urgent to which i could not afford to present a documents. For that reasons he had inquired to bring his birth certificate if necessary from Rep of benin.
Despite all his truth the foreign office of Gäfenhainichen landkreis in Wittemberg were sending him to a Nigerian embassy while he is not a Nigerian by origin or by nationality, his parents where not from nigeria i have no relatives in nigeria. Their accusation is equally based on the punishment to give me "Gutschein" vouchers as surfer me for my innocent and truth. Although "Gutschein " is not my problem but to admit that he is innocent by the foreign office. By doign this, the foreign office are putting his life in danger of death and assasination.
A Membre de karawane pour le droit des asylants et des etrangers
Et the voice refugie forum
Salomom Wantchoucou
Rahguhner str 99
06779 Möulau
Tel: 017435299066
e-mail salo.1973@yahoo.de
Stop the colonial heritage!
Nigerian Activists Protest Against Deportation and Dubious Collaboration with German Autorities
D E U T S C H :
Stoppt das koloniale Erbe!
Nigerianische Aktivisten protestieren gegen Abschiebung