Venez tous à Dessau entre le 27 et le 30 mars et les 19 et 20 avril, observez le bon déroulement de la procédure judiciaire et participez aux actions permanentes, réunions et manifestations.
Break the silence!
Venez tous à Dessau entre le 27 et le 30 mars et les 19 et 20 avril, observez le bon déroulement de la procédure judiciaire et participez aux actions permanentes, réunions et manifestations.
Break the silence!
Oury Jalloh: Mobilisation // Court hearing in Dessau// Aufruf zur Beobachtung des Prozesses // Beginn: Am 27. Marz
Break the silence!
Break the silence!
Arrêtons cette déportation! Liberté pour Yabre Omourou!
Please find below the translation into Deutsch and French:
We can stop deportation! Free Yabre Omourou from the deportation prison!
We continue our campaign against the deportation to support and Free Yabre Oumorou from deportation!
Hello dear friends,
we can report about a successful deportation-stop: today, the deportation of Yabre Oumarou got cancelled after protest-faxes and phone-calls were sent to Air France and activists talked to the passengers and distributed leaflets at the gate of the Air France flight at Munich airport. As far as we know, there were also some activists in France who had planned to do something for Yabre.
Info in English/Deut./French:
Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Activists,
We need your support for Mr Yabre Oumarou who will be deported TOMORROW to Ouagadougou –Burkina Faso via Paris:
You can also send the attached Fax Campaign copy in French to the AIR FRANCE Office in Munich and Telephone BEFORE 10:15h tomorrow morning, monday the 26th of February, 2007.
The Air France office at Munich Airport opens on Monday morning at 8:15 h!
That means: many phone calls to the Airline against Yabre's deportation should come in tomorrow AFTER 8:15 h and BEFORE 10:15 h !!
Faxes should be sent massively today and tomorrow morning!
Please Act Now!
Tell the Air France not to the take him for the interest of public protest, for the safety of Yabre Oumarou and the passengers.
Air France: tel.: 089-97591100 und 089-97591114, fax: 089-97591104
Yours will be highly appreciated.
In Solidarity we remain.
The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
See more information links below!
*to Air France- Munich:*
Please send this letter directly *to the pilot of the Flight Number_AF 1523 * Air France, from Munich airport on 26.02.2007 at 10:15 with the destination Burkina Faso via Paris.
Per fax: 089-97591104 // Air France: tel.: 089-97591100 und 089-97591114
Dear Mister PILOT,
I am strongly concerned about the imminent deportation of Yabre Oumarou with your flight AF 1523, Air France, from airport Munich on 26.02.2007 at 10:15 with the destination Burkina Faso via Paris. I ask you not to fly with this passenger who does not want to go with you but who is forced and will be bonded and watched by police! There are obligatory demands of German Association of Pilots (Cockpit) that forced passengers would not be transported by the pilots. I ask you to follow up these demands for the security of all passengers or to follow your humanly judgement that nobody should be forced to go anywhere violently. Mr. Oumarou has a German daughter, he would be separated from his daughter he loves. In Burkino- Faso he feels in danger by body and life because of formerly persecution.
Please be so kind as not to transport Yabre Oumarou and any other forced-to-fly-passenger!
I support the following fax-campaign of the Caravane and others.
Name ---------------
Date --------------
The Rebels
With “The Voice” asylum seekers have their say and fight against marginalization.
By Ascan Breuer, Frankfurter Rundschau, January 18, 2005
Caravan Conference in NRW - Situation of migrant workers in Europe by Estrella del Pais of Migrante Europe in Armsterdam
A Kenyan immigrant’s open letter to Tony Blair
-A Case Against Fortress Europe - Estrella del Pais
Text in Spanish is below!
Erzählung und Erfahrungen des aus Spanien abgeschobenen Flüchtlings Michel Bashige
An die spanische (der europäischen, Anm. der internetseite) Gesellschaft: