Pro Refugee Solidarity: Protestaktion, Demonstrations, Hungerstrike
Würzburg-Iran, Freiburg und Flughafen Düsseldorf - Kosovo, Ukraine-Somalia
See English Info on Somalian Hunker strikers in Ukrain below.
Demonstration on 11 February 2012, 13.00 clock, Freiburg, Johanneskirche / Germany
On Friday, December 16, 2011, Ljuljeta Ademaj from Emden arrived at the registry office in Freiburg to marry her husband to be. Unfortunately the ceremony never took place. Ljuljeta Ademaj was arrested and taken to Schwäbisch Gemünd in handcuffs. On January 12, 2012 she was deported from Baden Airport, organized by the Karlsruhe Regional Council after living in Germany for 20 years under the toleration status. Unfortunately hers is not a unique situation. In 1999 the Kurd editor Ömer Polat was arrested at the registry office in Markdorf and then deported to Turkey despite assurances by German authorities that he was safe.
Sammelabschiebung Kosovo am 07.02.2012 von Flughafen Düsseldorf
Gegen den kapitalistischen und rassistischen Normalzustand!
Demonstration - Wer bleiben will, soll bleiben! Gegen Überwachung und Abschiebung in den Kosovo!
Sa, 11. Februar 2012, Freiburg, 13.00 Uhr (Johanneskirche in Freiburg)
Abschiebung in den Kosovo !? / Dali Kapalden e Romen!?
Kommt zur Veranstaltung am 10. Februar 2011! Seit August 2011 hat Innenminister Gall aus Baden-Württemberg das Wort gegeben keine Roma in den Kosovo abzuschieben, solange nicht eine Delegation des Petitionsausschusses von Baden-Württemberg im Kosovo war. NRW hat in der kalten Jahreszeit die Abschiebungen ausgesetzt. Im Januar war die Delegation nun im Kosovo. Gleichzeitig war eine Gruppe der Initiative „alle bleiben“ ebenfalls im Kosovo, um sich über die Lage der Roma zu informieren. Die Veranstaltung am 10 Februar mit Vertretern beider Delegationen soll eine breite Öffentlichkeit darüber ins Bild setzen, unter welchen Bedingungen gegenwärtig Roma im Kosovo leben müssen und was bei allfälligen Abschiebungen sie dort erwartet. Vertreter von alle bleiben haben bislang zugesagt; Vertreter vom Petitionsausschuss sind angefragt. Es gibt bislang eine Zusage von Gabi Rolland (SPD).
Freitag den 10. Februar 02, Universität Freiburg, 19.00 Uhr UNI-Freiburg, Hörsaal 1098
Das Freiburger Forum aktiv gegen Ausgrenzung und weitere 25 Gruppen
rufen zur Teilnahme an unten stehender Veranstaltung und Demonstration auf:
'Abschiebungen in den Kosovo!?'
am Freitag den 10. Februar 12, 19.00 Uhr, Uni-Freiburg, Hörsaal 1098
Mit VertreterInnen von 'alle bleiben' aus Göttingen die jüngst im Kosovo waren, sowie zwei DelegationsteilnehmerInnen des Baden-Württembergischen Petitionsausschusses, die ebenfalls zwischen dem 18. und 22. Januar 2012 im Kosovo waren. Kultur, Vorträge und Diskussion
Flyer zur Veranstaltung:
Infos in Romanes
O Romano Biro: Pomoziba, kulturalna hem interess Zamenik Kontakt:
'Wer bleiben will, soll bleiben!' 'Gegen Abschiebung und Überwachung!'
am Samstag den 11.Februar 12, 13.00 Uhr, Johanneskirche, Freiburg
Bislang rufen 26 Gruppen sowie zahlreiche Einzelpersonen zur Demonstration auf.
Wer die Demonstration und die Forderungen nach einem Bleiberecht unterstützen möchte, wende sich doch bitte an:
Wer Flyer und Plakate bestellen möchte, wende sich doch bitte an das Freiburger Forum aktiv gegen Ausgrenzung.
Protestaktion: am 13.02.12 um 12:00 Uhr: Tod eines Flüchtlings in Würzburger Asylbewerberheim
Demo beginnt um 14:00Uhr und zwar am Sternplatz vor dem Rathaus.
Aufgrund der menschenunwürdigen Situation im Asylbewerberheim Würzburg hat sich letzte Nacht ein iranischer Flüchtling selbst getötet. Er war verheiratet und Vater eines Kindes. Dies ist leider kein völlig überraschender Vorfall - die Menschenrechte von Flüchtlingen werden in Bayern mit Füßen getreten.
Die betreffende Person hieß Mohammad Rahsepar und wohnte im Gebäude 305, Zimmer 321, der Emery-Kaserne. HerDemo beginnt um 14:00Uhr und zwar am Sternplatz vor dem Rathaus.r Rahsepar war 30 Jahre alt und wurde in der iranischen Stadt Ahvaz geboren. Nach seiner Flucht hielt er sich einen Monat lang im Auffanglager Zirndorf auf, um dann in Würzburg einquartiert zu werden. Dort wohnte er für sieben Monate. Seine Ehefrau und sein Kind halten sich weiterhin im Iran auf.
Ein Zimmernachbar klärte uns in einem Telefongespräche darüber auf, dass Herr Rahsepar sich letzte Nacht gegen 1 Uhr in seinem Zimmer einschloss. Nachdem die Mitbewohner mehrmals klopften und die Tür nicht aufgemacht wurde, riefen sie den Hausmeister, der vergeblich versuchte, die schwere Eisentür aufzubrechen. Dann wurde die Polizei gerufen, und nachdem auch diese erfolglos war, holte man die Feuerwehr. Ihr gelang es schließlich, sich Zugang zu verschaffen, doch man konnte nur noch die Leiche vorfinden. Herr Rahsepar hatte sich mit einem Laken in seinem Zimmer selbst erhängt.
Protestaktion in Würzburg:
am 13.02.12 um 12:00 Uhr
internationale Föderation Iranische Flüchtlinge
Shahnaz Morttab
Eine Antwort zu Tod eines Flüchtlings in Würzburger Asylbewerberheim
Ukraine - Somalia
Seit dem 6.Januar befinden sich 58 Somalis in der Ukraine im Hungerstreik und
fordern ihre Entlassung aus einem EU-finanzierten Flüchtlingsknast.
Updates und Hintergrundinformationen hier:
Dort findet sich auch ein Hinweis auf die FAX/Mail-Kampagne.
Ukraine: Calls To Stop Harassing Somali Asylum Seekers
Since 6 January, 58 Somalis (13 women, including 7 minors, and 45 men, including 17 minors) who are detained in Zhuravychi detention centre near Lutsk are on hunger strike. On 29/1, they were subsequently attacked by riot police who forcefully took them to the dining room to take pictures of the refugees eating.
The hunger striking refugees demand that:
1) Somali asylum seekers are granted asylum status in Ukraine.
2) They are released from detention.
3) Asylum seekers are provided with documents so they cannot be arrested.
4) There is an end to the police harassment of asylum seekers.
5) No asylum seeker is to face re-arrest after a period of detention.
From the hunger strikers we have just had the following report. “We have had some problems today. At about 1:00pm about 20 policemen came into the detention centre. When the police came we were shocked and confused, we are not criminals. They wore masks and had teargas, guns and pistols. They led us out of our rooms and then searched the rooms. They collected some personal things. Some of us were punched by hand, others kicked by boots, and others hit by sticks. They threatened us saying that we have to go to the dining room and eat. They forced some of the boys to eat. The boys went to the dining room, saying “these people will kill us”. Ten of the boys went to the dining room and the police took some pictures of the boys eating. We think the Government want to use the pictures for propaganda. The Government also want to provoke us so we fight and they can see we are hooligans. The policemen are still here in Lutsk, and we don't know if they are temporary or permanent.”
The hunger strikers urgently need your support to protect them from threats and violence inside the Lutsk Detention Centre.
Please can you immediately e mail or fax a protest letter demanding that:
the police are removed immediately from the Lutsk Detention Centre, and
that no further threats or violence are used against the hunger strikers or any detainees
Please e mail or fax your letter to one or more of the following officials:
Minister of Interior of Ukraine, FAX: +380 44 254-96-34 or +380 44 256-1633
Volyn Department of Minister of Interior
Head of State Migration Service of Ukraine FAX: +380 44 254-78-81
Head of Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, O.Zarubynskyj FAX: +380 44 255-49-02
Commissioner of Supreme Court of Ukraine on Human Rights
Maybe you also have the possibility to organize at least a small demonstration in front of the Ukrainian embassy in your town!
Ukraine: Calls To Stop Harassing Somali Asylum Seekers
February 1, 2012…
January 31, 2012 Ukraine
Demonstration on 11 February 2012, 13.00 clock, Freiburg, Johanneskirche / Germany
On Friday, December 16, 2011, Ljuljeta Ademaj from Emden arrived at the registry office in Freiburg to marry her husband to be. Unfortunately the ceremony never took place. Ljuljeta Ademaj was arrested and taken to Schwäbisch Gemünd in handcuffs. On January 12, 2012 she was deported from Baden Airport, organized by the Karlsruhe Regional Council after living in Germany for 20 years under the toleration status. Unfortunately hers is not a unique situation. In 1999 the Kurd editor Ömer Polat was arrested at the registry office in Markdorf and then deported to Turkey despite assurances by German authorities that he was safe.
Arrests in registry offices are staggeringly frequent. They are based on instructions by the federal government to monitor and report people’s status. In the opinion of legal advocate Rittstieg, these instructions are “the product of a totalitarian monitoring delusion”. In 1991, at the height of the pogrom against migrants, this procedure was part of the immigration laws.
Due to the Residence Act, every public authority (except schools and hospitals) is obligated to inform the foreign registration office and surrender information concerning individuals who may be in violation of the law. With every possible violation being reported, the status of a resident is constantly in danger. Those affected by this form of surveillance are those without rights or property in this country. This amounts to about 86.000 people here under the term toleration (Duldung) and 46.000 people with a limited humanitarian right of residence.
This limited right of residence is linked to the personal financial situation. 14.000 people across the country and 370 people in Freiburg face deportation if their rights of residence are not extended. In the near future members of the Roma minority currently under the status of toleration will be in danger of deportation. Across Germany this amounts to over 11.000 people, and approximately 100 in Freiburg. People from various countries across the globe are at risk for deportation.
In August 2011, Interior Minister Gall committed to not carrying out deportations from Baden-Württemberg to Serbia or Kosovo. This commitment is set to expire in part due to a January 2012 trip in which the petition committee of Baden-Württemberg embarked on a four-day long delegation trip to Kosovo.
The report issued by the delegation and its political impact will be an important part of the discourse. We have to be ready for anything. A residence permit cannot be tied to a political situation in the home country or any specific qualifications of the person seeking asylum.
In Freiburg alone, 1.700 people and more than 40 organizations have rejected the deportations in what they call the Appeal of Freiburg. Now is the time to spring into action. We will protect those people and will not allow their deportation. We will intervene, if necessary.
We’ve reached a consensus. Whoever wants to stay in this country should be allowed to stay. Specific plans of action have been drawn up by three organizations – Tag X, the Patenschafts-Netzwerk and the Kirchenasyl. They still need your support and everybody is welcome to join.
On February 11, we’d like to voice our rejection of the deportation policy and march on the anniversary of the events in Dessau: during a memorial march for the 7th anniversary of the death of Oury Jalloh, demonstrators were attacked by the police because they carried a banner saying, „Oury Jalloh – It was murder!“ Oury Jalloh from Sierra Leone had burned to death - handcuffed in a Dessau jail cell. This attack on demonstrators shows how much violence and racism are an integral part of the police machine. We show solidarity with the Initiative Oury Jalloh and demand a thorough reexamination of the death of Oury Jalloh.