Bundesweites KARAWANE Treffen in Wuppertal
We invite you to the open nationwide meeting of the CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants to Wuppertal. The nationwide meetings and gatherings of the CARAVAN have since years been the basis for the self organized refugee struggles. The meetings are the space and the time of solidarity exchange of experiences gathered in the concrete struggle against the colonial injustice that is cast into racist laws and instruments of exclusion. The gathering themselves are an act of disobedience against apartheid laws like Residenzpflicht. They are places where the collective fight for dignity and for the right to exist are planned and the defence of our sisters and brothers is prepared.
Activists of the CARAVAN network and of THE VOICE Refugee Forum are expected from Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein und Thüringen. It is planned to share the experience of the actual fights and to strengthen for the coming month. The meeting opens the space for the representatives of the various refugee communities and committees from the Lagers and from the different regions to bring the struggles closer to each other and harmonize the activities. We want to discuss, how the future campaigns can be spread further to the Lager, refugee, and migrant communities and apart from that into the society here.
Beside the actions against embassy hearings in May in Berlin the nationwide activities will be the main focus. These are the BREAK ISOLATION Camp in August 2012 in Thüringen and the Tribunal against the FRG in 2013 in Berlin. These latter two have been already presented and discussed during the last nationwide CARAVAN meeting in Halle last December. Your active participation and preparation is the basis of the continuity of our struggle and the precondition for the successful constitution of further refugee committees.
Please find below a proposal for an agenda. If you have additional topics to add, please let us know. We try to consider them in the further preparation. Because there are many important topics to be discussed, the block on “report from local group” has this time been skipped. If you would like to share your experience and report on your work, please bring this report in written for to the meeting and this will be distributed during the meeting and of course afterwards with the protocol.
In order to organize the meeting well, it would be helpful if you would tell us, with how many people you plan to come to the meeting. Please bring – if possible – sleeping bags with yourself. The travel expenses will be given to them, who need it.
Saturday, March 31 2012
12:00 a.m.
Arrival, gathering and lunch buffet
2:00 p.m.
Start, welcoming and introduction by the CARAVAN from Remscheid, Velbert und Wuppertal
Thereafter a short introduction of the participants
3:00 p.m.
Presentation of the campaign against war on migration
How can we share and report on our experiences from our countries of origin and what kind of lessons do we derive from that? What are in the minds of the colonialists and the struggles against Exploitation and Exclusion? No Europe - No Frontex!
5:00 p.m.
Actions against embassy hearings in Berlin from May 8 to 10, 2012
Input by THE VOICE Refugee Forum (Baden-Württemberg)
and by the refugee community of Guinea
7:00 p.m.
Dinner in Nordlicht
8:00 p.m.
BREAK ISOLATION – Refugee Camp from August 23 onwards
Exchange and practical solidarity
Abolish Residenzpflicht – Close down Isolation Lagers
Consolidation of political discussions on war, colonialism and migration
Why we are still here?
Input from THE VOICE Refugee Forum (Thüringen)
Brainstorming and open discussion: What and how can each activist and each group contribute? How can the mobilisation be organized everywhere to enable refugees from other areas to participate in the camp?
10:00 p.m.
End of discussions
Sunday, April 1, 2012
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Report of the finance group of the CARAVAN
9:30 a.m.
international tribunal against the FRG in 2013 in Berlin
How can more refugees engage in the Tribunal preparation process?
What is needed on the internet page of the Tribunal? What on the poster? When do we begin with discussions? Who is going to organize when and where the preparation meetings?
11:30 a.m.
Presentation of the NoBorder camp in Düsseldorf
12:30 a.m. lunch at Nordlicht
1:30 p.m.
Organization and announcements
Where do the next two nationwide meetings take place?
The dates for the next meeting are the weekend of June 23 and 24, 2012 (internal meeting of acitvists) and the weekend of September 22 and 23, 2012 (open meeting).
Announcedment of coming events, actions, meetings, seminars
15:00 Uhr
End of meeting and departure
KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen
c/o AZ Wuppertal, Markomannenstr. 3, 42105 Wuppertal
Telefon: 01578 65 46 336
E-Mail: wuppkarawane {ät] yahoo.de
Internet: http://thecaravan.org
Förderverein Karawane e.V.
Kontonummer: 4030780800
Bankleitzahl: 43060967
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Meetings: Break Isolation - Refugee Summer Camp in 2012
Our call for a better society or revolution is a daily practice and not less
Our desire to stay consistent in our beliefs and to take a clear stand publicly against the injustice in our Neighbourhoods is more than seeing ourselves as victims and supporters in the struggles. Infact, the solution is ours. https://thevoiceforum.org/node/2476