On the 7th of January 2014, nine years after his assassination, we want to remember our brother Oury Jalloh and go to Dessau together for the annual death-day demonstration.
Oury Jalloh burned to death in the Dessau police cell N ° 5, lying on a fireproof mattress, tied on his arms and legs. From the beginning on the police claimed that he would have set himself on fire. But the facts speak a clear language. For example the independent fire report recently presented by the "Initiative in Remembrance of Oury Jalloh" shows that a large amount of accelerant must have been used to burn Oury Jalloh alive and beyond recognition.
We can´t accept this social order, this world order based on ongoing suffering of our people, based on the fact that our brothers and sisters are being tortured and killed in this war. The european, western war against Africans begins when African countries are being exploited or bombed. It goes on: The dying in the Mediterranean Sea is mass murder, it belongs to the same war!
In Hamburg, in Dessau, in Germany, in Europe, in the capital of imperialism there is still no peace:
Racist police controls, police violence and murders are part of (neo)colonial oppression, just like the NATO-wars.
Peace & Justice for Oury Jalloh and all other victims of colonial violence!
Victory & Freedom for Lampedusa in Hamburg and all other opressed people in resistance!
Take a day off on Tuesday, the 7th of January and let us go together to Dessau!
Bus tickets are 20€ and available at: Schanzenblitz (Bartelsstraße 21), the International Centre B5 (Brigittenstraße 5), at the info tent of Lampedusa in Hamburg (Steindamm 2) or directly at the bus.
And if you really don't have time yourself that day, buy a solidarity ticket and enable someone else to go who doesn't have the money.
More information and videos on the case of Oury Jalloh:
On Thursday, 12.12.13 from 19 clock in the International Centre B5 (Caravan-Café)
On Tuesday, 17.12.13 from 19 clock in the International Centre B5 (R.S.H.-Café)
and on www.initiativeouryjalloh.wordpress.com
Meeting for the bus: Tuesday (07.01.14) 7 o'clock (on time) in front of station „Sternschanze“
Gedenkdemonstration zum 9. Todestag von Oury Jalloh
Kommt zur Gedenkdemonstration zum 9. Todestag von Oury Jalloh am Freitag, den 07. Januar 2014 um 14 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof Dessau-Roßlau!
Der Kampf um Aufklärung und Gerechtigkeit geht weiter! Siehe auch: Gutachten der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh zerlegt die Selbstmordhypothese der staatsanwaltschaft Dessau
Busse von Berlin zur Demonstration am 07.01.2014:
Alexanderplatz, Parkplatz Park Inn Abfahrt 10.00 Uhr
Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg Abfahrt 10.00 Uhr
Tickets auf Spendenbasis
Plätze können reserviert werden unter: +49 176 381 131 35