Verfahren eingestellt, wann enden die Schikanen? Bericht über den Prozess gegen Dr. Aghayev Magsud in Apolda
Thueringen Base Activists Set "The Freedom Agenda" For Dr. Maqsud Aghayev in Apolda Court.
The Refugee Activist, Maqsud Aghayev was under the threat of deportation by the Foreign Office Authority in Apolda, he was unlawfully charged to court as to facilitate his deportation from Apolda, Germany.
"The case of Dr. Maqsud was very good. The Court stopped the case against him just after 10 minutes from start. The Judge didn't even hear from Frau Ernst of the Foreign office in Apolda because the case in general was unlawful.
20 people were there from Jena and Erfurt. A journalist from OTZ was also there and took a photo at the end." by Miloud Lahmar Cherif
Step by step we will bring down the deportation regime!
Detail report will follow soon.
Verfahren eingestellt, wann enden die Schikanen? Bericht über den Prozzess gegem Dr. Aghayev Magsud in Apolda
Prozess gegen Flüchtlingsaktivisten: Erneute Strafanzeige der Ausländerbehörde Apolda gegen Magsud Aghayev (10.01.2017)
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