Erste Demonstration für die Einheit der Flüchtlings-Community in Apolda
1st Refugee Unity - Community Demonstration in Apolda (Thueringen)
Oury Jalloh was Murdered, Nazis are Murderers: Apolda Nazis Mobilizing against against Refugee Unity - Community Demonstration in (Thueringen)
Apolda calling!!
Banner Workshop in the Lager by Refugee Community Apolda for 2.12.2017 Demonstration at 2pm in Front of the Train station.
German | English:
Erste Demonstration für die Einheit der Flüchlings-Community in Apolda
1st Refugee Unity - Community Demonstration in Apolda (Thueringen)
Datum: 2. Dezember 2017 Zeit: 14:00 Uhr Ort: Bahnhof Apolda
Stop die Abschiebungen und stoppt das Dublin-Abkommen! Für Bewegungsfreiheit!
Bringt die Flüchltlinge zurück!
1st Refugee Unity - Community Demonstration in Apolda (Thueringen)
Date: 2nd December 2017, Time: 2pm, Place: Apolda Train station
Stop the Deportations and Stop Dublin Deportation for Freedom of Movement!!!
Bring back the refugees!!
Your Refugee COMMUNITY is Our Resistance:
The actions and dismissiveness by Europe mean that refugees must unite as we fight ahead. "We know, no one else can organize the refugees better than refugees themselves, this we must do ourselves. We will work as long as it takes until we rise together!” by Osaren Igbinoba, published by report, 17.10.16....…