The community is the movement - Let us continue and Just do it!
Dear all,
Please extend our end of the year Salute to more communities in trust to support us as we call for our best wishes to you all and for your support to The VOICE Refugee Forum.
Revolutionary Greetings: The JOB IS DONE! Thank you!
The VOICE Refugee Forum
“We may not be together but we are more altogether" - The community is our network and the connection in the daily struggles of the refugee communities against the injustice of deportation and social exclusion.
Let us continue and Just do it!
The community is the movement.
We keep our hope for more donation and for your support to spread this document to activists' communities of refugees and anti deportation activists.
We remain, In solidarity with the refugee struggles.
Best regards
Osaren Igbinoba
Dear Activists and Supporters,
The JOB IS DONE! Thank you!
The year 2017, we were able to reach more refugee communities in more cities and towns in Germany and we want to do more than just that. There can never be real democracy without freedom of movement. Freedom of movement is the root of migration and migration cannot be stopped even by most obnoxious construct that is the EU led by Germany.
The German Boat is full they say. Yes, the German Boat is full of deep racism and top hypocrisy. When the constitutionally guaranteed human dignity means nothing when it concerns refugees, then not only your rationality but your sanity is questionable. The refugee malignment and denigration as witnessed in the last election attests to this. It was basically a glorification of the race to the stinking bottom on „who can be more nasty to the refugees?“. Yet, they want us to believe that they are prosecuting wars in our countries for humna rights. Not only are they aiding the continued enslavement of Africans in North Africa and other places by funding the very system that facilitates those horrible crimes, they are directly collaborating with the authorities in those countries to perpetuate those crimes. As Amnesty International (of all groups) recently pointed out, the EU is responsible for what is happening in North Africa.
Yet, not even the daily racism and discrimination that are so woven into the societal fabric in Germany can hinder the natural power of migration. For centuries Germans and Europeans in general fled in droves from this continent for a variety of reasons – including war, hunger, religious persecution or simply 'to seek a better life'. More often than not their history record is loaded with accolades of bravery, visionary, industrous, foresight and all the superlatives you can think of. Now that their economic and political interest, fuelled by their wanton greed have destroyed our countries and most of us are being compelled to flee our countries and seek human dignity, saftey and security or 'worsestill' better life, Migration has become a criminal act. A crime that attracts all sorts of punishment including being allowed to drown while well-meaning individuals are being prevented from helping.
Migration is about co-existence and there is no country without migration history. You can't stop migration. The earlier this is learnt, the better the chances of humane migration policies rather than the present obsession to stop migration that is guaranteed to end in failure.
We want to thank you for the tremendous support you have given us this year, openly and anonymously, they were all well received and accountably documented. This goes to your political and financial support to our network in Germany and beyond, your generous tokens were well spent.
As in previous years, we have been active in the promotion of approaches to self-help for refugees and migrants and the promotion of our human rights was at the heart of the activities of our engagements financed through our the association Förderverein The VOICE e.V. Göttingen.
We have been successful in our struggles in reaching more refugees and in initiating an empowering independent political community networking in Germany. We hope that the success will lead to a roadmap of the refugee community empowerment. With the continuous support of the Caravan for the rights of Refugees and Migrants in Hamburg and Wuppertal we were able to reach refugees not only in Thüringen, but also Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg, Niedersachsen, Berlin, Hamburg, Bavaria, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein und Hessen and many other places all over the country!
The general focus of our work in 2017 could be summarised with these points:
the organization of conferences, seminars, meetings and get-togethers for refugees for the exchange of experience, further education, information about the legal situation related to their specific life situation and the possibilities of political self-organization
facilitating the participation of refugees in socio-cultural and political programs as well as human rights defense events
facilitating the mobility and communication of refugees to overcome isolation and promote political empowerment by assisting in travelling, internet and telephone costs
support for refugees and migrants on legal and political rights
public enlightenment campaigns on key issues, such as living conditions and human rights abuses of asylum seekers, legal situation, racism, Calling the so-called German democracy to order through the exposure of crimes against humanity like racists police brutality, refugee isolations and deportations
“We may not be together but we are more altogether" - The community is our network and the connection in the daily struggles of the refugee communities against the injustice of deportation and social exclusion. Let us continue and Just do it!
Thank you all again for your donations and campaign support - A lot could still be done with your continued support us and solidarity with the refugee community in Germany. Power to The Break deportation community Thueringen.
Our community is our media!
Our strenght is our network!
Our network is guided by our principles!
Join us, support us and we'll never give up!
With your solidarity, the struggle continues!!!
The VOICE Refugee Forum
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Sparkasse Göttingen
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29
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