The Refugee BLACK BOX Appeal from the Refugee Community U.R.R.M KARLSRUHE
Refugee Black Box in Karlshruhe - "Voting against deportation begins"
The Refugee Black BOX is part of our history
The United Refugees Rights Movement Karlsruhe declares its solidarity with the Refugee BLACK BOX Movement and we are getting part of it.
Because we see the Refugee BLACK BOX as part of making visible what is not visible in public in germany and Europe: dehumanisation, racism, and the denial of the rights of Refugees in the asylum system and many more. Refugee BLACK BOX is an act of self empowerment. Everybody is invited to document – and write down, to speak out and film the daily experience with authorities and the society in being a refugee in Germany and Europe – We have to give testimony of what is not seen and not heard in Germany and Europe media.
We the United Refugees Rights Movement (U.R.R.M Karlsruhe) will collect your statements and testimonies (texts, speeches, videos, pictures)and vote against deportation and publish them on our facebook under the nationwide label Refugee Refugee BLACK BOX, to make visible the realities about living inside the belly of the asylum system. To make seen what is never seen and heard that will never be heard if those who are experiencing it don‘t share it with their fellow refugees as well as the public. We have to know, if we dont‘t talk nothing will change. As long as people don‘t share the same rights in germany and on this planet, this fight has to go on.
The Refugee BLACK BOX will show how much we have to say and that we connect ourselves in solidarity.
One of the most important point is the reason why we are here. We are here because western states and their regimes are destroying our home-Lands. that makes us refugees today, In addition here in diferent ways, they try to break our will and integrate us in their social system in order to use us as a tool to run easier their colonial machine. But how we can forget the suffering of our dear people and relatives we left behind in our home countries and continents and those we lost at the borders and the Mediterranean Sea. Their security and safety has been denied. We regret because humanity has be washing away. The Europeans want us to pursue our individual interests, all we want is a better world for all humanity.
"Voting against deportation begins" - Refugee Black Box in Karlsruhe
"Our black box does not only contains all refugees and migrants information but as well voting against deportation begins known" from refugee community Karlsruhe by URRM - United Refugee Rights Movement.
"Unsere Blackbox enthält nicht nur alle Informationen über Flüchtlinge und Migranten, sondern auch das Votum gegen Abschiebung beginnt bekannt zu werden." aus der Flüchtlingsgemeinschaft Karlsruhe von URRM - United Refugee Rights Movement.
Don't forget: touch one touch all! United we are ever strong!
In Solidarity. U.R:R:M Karlsruhe