Photo: PEACE Germany - Tembo Restaurant and Bar
52. Edition: Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 18th May 2019/ Samstag 18. Mai 2019
Time/Zeit: 7pm/um 19:00 Uhr
In this 52nd edition, we are celebrating the Pan-African Day - 25th of May, celebrated around the world every year, with the focus on Pan-Africanism.
How does Pan-Africanism embolden us or does it energize us at all in our daily struggles as Africans?
If we do not approach the problems in Africa with a common front and a common purpose, we shall be haggling and wrangling among ourselves
until we are colonized again and become the tolls of a far greater colonialism than we suffered hitherto (Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – Former President of Ghana).
Guests in the Studio:
Sister Sharifa Wangari: Tembo Restaurant and Bar, Danckelmannstraße 20, 14059 Berlin
Sister Moraa Damarice: PEACE Berlin and ABC Community organiser and activist
Brother Ndindah: ABC Community organiser and activist
TOPICS OF THE PROGRAM/Themen des Programs:
How does Pan-Africanism embolden us or does it energize us at all in our daily struggles as Africans?
• How did we find ourselves here as a people?
• What do we experience here as a people?
• What do we do as a people to accommodate our experiences and confront our daily challenges?
Part of our focus will be the second scramble for Africa and the African Genocide in the Mediterranean Sea
If you missed the last show, click here or the link below to listen.
Next actions
• 25th May, PEACE Int. Germany present:
The 2nd African/ Black Identity Series (2nd ABIS).
-How does Pan-Africanism embolden us or does it energize us at all in our daily struggles as Africans?
• 25th May, DEMONSTRATION: #justiceformbobda 25.05.19 12h @ UKE. Details:…
Nächste Aktionen
• 25. Mai, PEACE Int. Deutschland präsent: Die zweite afrikanisch-schwarze Identitätsserie (2. ABIS).
-Wie ermutigt uns der Panafrikanismus oder energetisiert er uns überhaupt in unseren täglichen Kämpfen als Afrikaner? Details:
• 25. Mai, DEMONSTRATION: #justiceformbobda 25.05.19 12h @ UKE. Details:…
Program supported by PEACE Int. (Peer Exchange of African Communities for Empowerment).