Upcoming deportations to Nigeria – Refugee news, by Rex Osa, an activist of the Caravan and The Voice Refugee Forum from Biberach/Baden Würtemberg.
The German Police is picking up so called failed Asylum seekers {illegal} for deportation.
Reliable embassy contact has confirmed that the combined Deportation is planned for the end of this month {March}.
That means, those been picked up are to be kept at the Deportation Prison while the police takes the usual responsibility of Liaising with the embassy for the issuance of travelling certificate.
The process of Embassy identification is also going on at the moment but directly at the Embassy premises rather than the usual Mobile Hearing which likely may have been stopped or otherwise.
I am aware already of two persons from Biberach Riss Baden Wurttemberg, one of them J.N. was in court last week Thursday 05.03.09 over his asylum appeal awaiting the Courts decision only to be picked up at the early hours of today by the Police.
Please, put an eye on the present deportation situation.
And No man is Illegal
Deportation is Torture
Deportation is Colonial Heritage we must kick against in its Totality.
You must know that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
[ 05. Mar 2009 ]
Mass deportation to Nigeria on joint charter flight
During a mass deportation on February 26, 2009, 89 men, women and children where carried from Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany to Nigeria.
More than 30 Nigerian nationals were deported from Ireland during the night on Thursday, 26. Feb 2009 on a charter flight to Lagos. The charter flight landed in Dublin carrying 45 deportees from the United Kingdom and seven from Switzerland and Germany before leaving for the Nigerian commercial city.
This charter service was the 17th organised by the Irish Government, as media reported. A Department of Justice spokesman said in racist manner that the flight was a clear indication of the Government's commitment to act on 'false asylum claims': "Where people are abusing the asylum system, where people have failed to convince our legal system they are entitled to stay we have made it clear we will act." With explanations like this, everywhere in Europe politicians and police officers try to sanctify their racist operations.
Irish Times reported on Friday that :: The Irish Refugee Council has called for one of the deportees to be allowed to return to Ireland to care for her two young sons, who were born in Dublin and have Irish citizenship. The 32-year-old woman, who had been living in Mosney, Co Meath, with the children, aged 2 1/2 and nine months, was deported after her application for asylum was denied.
The children's father, a Nigerian (41), has been in Ireland for 11 years and holds an Irish passport. He told The Irish Times that he wanted the woman to be allowed to return to care for the children, who will live with him in the interim. "They need their mother," he said. The children's parents are not married.
A spokeswoman for the Irish Refugee Council said the youngest boy is still being breast-fed. She called for the children's mother to be allowed to return to Ireland immediately "on humanitarian grounds."
The :: Residents Against Racism group protested outside the Garda National Immigration Bureau in Dublin on Thursday afternoon. Spokeswoman Rosanna Flynn claimed the deportations were "handled in an extremely heavy way." The Garda deported 56 Nigerian nationals from Ireland on December 12, 2008.
here's a little update about the Gambian delegation touring around Europe to
issue Traveling certificates for deportations to Gambia:
1) It is now confirmed that the delegation did a deportation hearing inside a
refugee camp in Karlsruhe on 17th of February 2009. This hearing was organised
by Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe / Referat 81 - Asylrecht, Ausweisung,
Rückführung (see adress below). It's not sure yet how many people were
concerned of this hearing.
2) According to a reoport by antiracist activists, the Gambian delegation was
also in Austria, confronted with protes action:
"(...) this delegation from gambia was also in vienna, austria. it happened on
9th and 10th of february 2009. there were also protests outside the
deportation prison were the hearing took place on the first of the two
days. the most people who where ordered there knew about it and didn't go
there. from the second day we have no clear information. but there was no
protest outside and the layers and legal supporters were not allowed to
participate - which was different on the first day.
you can find reports in german on the hearing and the protests under
following links:
background on deportation hearings: http://no-racism.net/article/2821
protests: https://at.indymedia.org/node/13405
audio report: http://sendungsarchiv.o94.at/get.php?id=094pr3112
in no-racism.net we have started a topic on deportation hearings with
background information (but only in german).
see: http://no-racism.net/thema/118
if someone habe information for this site, you send it and we will add it.
3) According to Conni G. from Hamburg, the europe wide deportation hearings with
the Gambian delegation seem to be connected with the latest moves towards an
enforced collaboration between Gambia and Spain to fight against migrants
trying to get from West Africa to Europe:
"Dear friends (also in Gambia),
at the same time when I got the information below about a Gambian delegation
moving around for deportation hearings in Europe, I got an e-mail from
Morocco about a cooperation treaty between Gambia and Spain, just signed in
Gambia's capital Banjul during a visit of the Spanish vice prime minister.
The treaty includes joint patrols along the Gambian coast and the donation
of two patrol boats and money for professional education of Gambian
coastguards (250.000 Euros both in 2007 and 2008). The Gambian president
Jammeh said there would be cooperation "on all topics, also on human
rights"... Probably such deportation hearings are also part of such a
cooperation, so they will not only take place in Germany and Italy, but also
in Spain. (...)
Article in the Spanish newspaper "El Pais":
4)Here's again the first info that was sent around concerning the delegation
from Gambia:
Delegation from Gambia moving around Europe for deportation traveling
Dear Anti-Deportation-Activists,
as we have learned from a Gambian refugee activist living near Heidelberg /
Baden Würtemberg, a delegation of 4 (alleged) officials of the state of
Gambia is actually moving around Europe to issue Traveling Certificates
(TCs) for the deportation of refugees and migrants to Gambia (West Africa).
The information we got so far is:
Up to now, this delegation stood in Karlsruhe, where they arrived about 4
weeks ago, now they moved on to Italy. During the last four weeks, several
Gambian refugees who are living in different towns of Baden Würtemberg
(Eppelheim, Ladenburg, Sinsheim, Schwäbisch-Gmünd) have been summoned for
appointments with
a delegation of Gambian officials in Karlsruhe. Several of these people
have been picked by the police to be brought to the appointment by force.
This time, as far as we know so far, the refugees concerned have not been
brought to one central deportation hearing, but have been summoned to
Karlsruhe on different days within a period of several weeks. But it is
still evident that the only purpose of the appointment with the Gambian
delegation in Karlsruhe is issuing traveling certificates for deportation!
As far as we know, this Gambian delegation does not belong to the Gambian
embassy in Germany, but consists of (alleged) officials who have directly
come from Gambia to Europe. Up to now, it is not clear which kind of
function and / or legitimation these people have to exercise the issuing of
Traveling Certificates for deportations to Gambia. In some way, the whole
story reminds of the sinister delegation from Guinee that toured around
Germany several times between 2005 and 2007, also for the purpose of
producing deportation documents - and receiving good money from the German
authorities. In the case of Guinee, this delegation had to be called back
because of massive protests in Guinee and in Europe against this corrupt
trade with deportation documents.
As far as we were told so far, the Gambian delegation was already in Sweden
and in Switzerland before coming to Germany. Now they moved on to Italy and
later on, they are supposed to move on to other EU-countries, like Belgium
and Spain (this information hasn't yet been confirmed 100%!).
The visit of the Gambian delegation in Karlsruhe has probably been
organised by "Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe / Referat 81 - Asylrecht,
Ausweisung, Rückführung" - an institution that has been responsible for
other deportation hearings, for example with the Nigerian embassy, in the
The office numbers and e-mail-adresses of the people in charge:
Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe,
Abteilung 8 - Landesaufnahmeeinrichtung, Ausländer, Spätaussiedler,
Zentrale Bußgeldstelle,
Referat 81 - Asylrecht, Ausweisung, Rückführung
Referatsleitung: Susanne Diebold, Leitende Regierungsdirektorin
Telefon: 0721 926-7018
Email: Susanne.Diebold@rpk.bwl.de
Jutta Nees, Regierungsdirektorin
Telefon: 0721 926-7054
Email: Jutta.Nees@rpk.bwl.de
Ebs/Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants (Munich)
hier ein kleines Update zur Delegation aus Gambia, die zur Zeit durch Europa
tourt, um "Heimreisedokumente" für Abschiebungen nach Gambia auszustellen:
1) Es ist mittlerweile bestätigt, dass die Delegation am 17. Februar 2009 eine
Abschiebeanhörung in einem Flüchtlingslager in Karlsruhe durchführte. Die
Anhörung wurde organisiert vom Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe / Referat 81 -
Asylrecht, Ausweisung, Rückführung (siehe unten stehende Adresse). Wie viele
Leute davon betroffen waren, ist bislang nicht bekannt.
2) Nach einem Bericht antirassistischer AktivistInnen aus Österreich war die
gambische Delegation bereits in Wien, wo sie mit wütenden Protesten
konfrontiert wurde.
3) Laut Conni G. aus Hamburg scheinen die europaweiten Abschiebeanhörungen mit
der Delegation aus Gambia in Verbindung zu stehen mit den jüngsten Vorstößen zu
einer verschärften Kollaboration zwischen Gambia und Spanien zur Bekämpfung von
MigrantInnen, die sich von Westafrika aus auf den Weg Richtung Europa machen.
Artikel in der spanischen Tageszeitung "El Pais":
4) Hier nochmal die erste Info, die wegen der gambischen Delegation verschickt
Delegation aus Gambia tourt durch Europa wegen Abschiebe-Reisedokumenten!
Liebe AktivistInnen im Kampf gegen Abschiebungen,
wie wir von einem gambischen Flüchtlingsaktivisten aus der Gegend von
Heidelberg / Baden Würtemberg erfahren haben, tourt gerade eine 4-köpfige
Delegation von VertreterInnen des Staates Gambia durch Europa, um
Heimreise-Paßersatzdokumente für die Abschiebung von Flüchtlingen nach
Gambia (Westafrika) auszustellen.
Unser Informationsstand ist bislang:
Zuletzt hielt sich die gambische Delegation sich in Karlsruhe auf, wo sie
vor ca. 4 Wochen ankam. Mittlerweile ist die Delegation nach Italien
weitergereist. Während der letzten 4 Wochen wurden gambische Flüchtlinge
aus verschiedenen Städten in Baden Würtemberg (Eppelheim, Ladenburg,
Sinsheim, Schwäbisch-Gmünd)zur vorsprache bei der Gambia-Delegation in
Karlsruhe vorgeladen. Mehrere der Betroffenen wurden von der Polizei in
Gewahrsam genommen und zwangsvorgeführt. Soweit wir wissen, wurden die
Flüchtlinge nicht zu einer zentralen Sammelanhörung gebracht, sondern sie
wurden an unterschiedlichen Tagen, verteilt über mehrere Wochen, nach
Karlsruhe geladen. Dennoch liegt es auf der Hand, dass die Vorsprache vor
der gambischen Delegation in Karlsruhe einzig und allein der Ausstellung
von Heimreise-Paßersatzdokumenten für Abschiebungen dient!
Soweit wir wissen handelt es sich bei der Delegation nicht um Angehörige
der Botschaft von Gambia in Deutschland, sondern um (angebliche)
StaatsbeamtInnen, die direkt aus Gambia nach Europa angereist sind. Bislang
ist nicht klar, aufgrund welcher Funktion und / oder Legitimation diese
Personen befugt sind, Reisedokumente für Abschiebungen nach Gambia
auszustellen. Die ganze Geschichte erinnert an die dubiose Delegation aus
Guinea, die zwischen 2005 und 2007 durch Deutschland getourt ist, ebenfall,
um Abschiebedokumente auszustellen - und um sich gut von den deutschen
Behörden dafür bezahlen zu lassen. Die guineische Delegation musste
schließlich aufgrund massiver Proteste in Guinea und Europa gegen den
korrupten Handel mit "Heimreisepapieren" zurückgezogen werden.
Nach bisherigem Wissensstand war die gambische Delegation bereits in
Schweden und in der Schweiz, bevor sie nach Deutschland kam. Mittlerweile
ist die Delegation nach Italien weitergereist, angeblich soll sie im
Anschluss daran noch in andere EU-Staaten, z.B. Belgien und Spanien,
weiterreisen (diese Info ist bislang nicht 100% gesichert!).
Es ist davon auszugehen, dass der Besuch der gambischen "Delegation" in
Karlsruhe organisiert wurde vom Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe / Referat 81
- Asylrecht, Ausweisung, Rückführung" - einer Institution, die in der
Vergangenheit bereits für andere Abschiebe-Anhörungen, z.B. mit der
Botschaft von Nigeria, verantwortlich war.
Hier die Büronummern und e-mail-Adressen der verantwortlichen Personen:
Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe,
Abteilung 8 - Landesaufnahmeeinrichtung, Ausländer, Spätaussiedler,
Zentrale Bußgeldstelle,
Referat 81 - Asylrecht, Ausweisung, Rückführung
Referatsleitung: Susanne Diebold, Leitende Regierungsdirektorin
Telefon: 0721 926-7018
Email: Susanne.Diebold@rpk.bwl.de
Jutta Nees, Regierungsdirektorin
Telefon: 0721 926-7054
Email: Jutta.Nees@rpk.bwl.de