RBB Solidarity Party For Freedom of Movement and Settlement in Germany! African Youth Community Solidarity – Unite Against Deportation Now
Berlin / Jena: RBB Documentation | PEACE Int. Symposium | African Youth Solidarity to Break Deportation.
(English and German below)
Refugee Black Box activists Documentation #RBB
Documenting and exposing the TRUTH is empowering the affected ones
JOIN us to analyze the Refugee Black Box #RBB,
On Friday the 14th of December 2018
Time: 17:00 Hrs
Place: Inssan e.V, Gitschiner Str. 17, 10969 Berlin
Critics on crisis of racism in Europe: Refugee-Migrants struggle is the solution.
Most protests of the non-refugees and supporters' struggles are often polarized to dominate and to neglect the autonomous struggles of the refugees political communities. Even demonstrations and Conferences continue to ignore the refugee community agenda for autonomy and liberation. We are resolute that the community agenda for autonomy and liberation is the Challenge of our Time! Taking our struggles beyond political socialization of the oppressed community is a task ahead of us.
My reflection:

Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi and Co.
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 29th of July 2017/ Samstag 29. Juli 2017
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
Topic of the program: African Refugees fight back
Sierra Leone United Association in Germany demands deportation stops and abolition of the Dublin System: “Freedom of movement for all!"
If you missed the last show, click here to listen.
Refugees Welcome!!! – The Necessary but Missing Dimensions

Pakistani asylum seeker in Germany commits suicide
Irfan Aftab April 04, 2017
BERLIN: A 28-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker has committed suicide by jumping from the rooftop of a hotel building in Leipzig city, Saxony.
On the afternoon of March 30, Faisal Imran was seen standing on the roof of the Seaside Park Hotel's building. Police and rescue teams were called immediately. At 14:15PM he threw himself off the roof, which was filmed by unknown eyewitness from their mobile phone.
The video of the tragic incident has become viral on many social media sites.
Pakistanischer Asylsuchender in Deutschland begeht Selbstmord
The Caravan calling
Video Clips on The Caravan "Experience" Refugee Struggles' Empowerment Network of self organized activists and groups in Germany.
video: https://vimeo.com/76621178
Great video of refugee activism and community network of The VOICE Refugee Forum in the cities of Germany. We thank you all, power to all who made it possible to see this video on my way on.....
Fire up!
On 2017-04-03 12:54, The VOICE Berlin wrote:
Dear People!!
Please make donation: Engage and work with us for an independent refugee community and Join to make donation to support our mobilization events for 2017 grass root struggles of the refugees communities on our movement to make “The Refugee Black Box " a concrete political solidarity weapon.
This event is entirely financed by private donation and solidarity contribution only.
Break the Deportation Program: Refugee Black Box _ 27-29.01.2017 in Jena
Development means: getting better. Perspective of a Cameroon self-organization an interview with Mbolo Yufanyi Movuh by Timo Kiesel
Timo Kiesel: You are CEO of PEACE (Peer Exchange of African Communities for Empowerment). What does PEACE do?