We shall never waver, we shall keep the voice loud until justice is served truthfully, rightfully and fairly to all.

Oury Jalloh Campaign: "When Exposing a Crime is treated as committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals."
On the 7th of January 2005, 2 African brothers Oury Jalloh and Layé Alama Kondé, were murdered by German Police in Dessau and Bremen (Germany) respectively.
The murder of Oury Jalloh is not singular nor is the perpetrator of the crime individual. It was a collective, systemic and systematically State-organized crime that still goes unabated.
The LIVES of Africans/Black people and also other minorities do not matter in Germany/Europe
Abschiebungen stoppen! Bleiberecht für alle!
Samstag, 10.12.2016, 14 Uhr
Frankfurt Flughafen, Terminal 1, Abflug / Departure B
Am Internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte protestieren wir gegen
Refugee activists will speak on their experiences with deportation and social exclusion in Thüringen and Germany to overcome the different faces of injustice in Europe. After that there will be live music and other cultural programm. read more....
Geflüchtete Aktivist*innen werden über ihre Erfahrungen mit Abschiebung und Ausgrenzung in Thüringen und Deutschland sprechen und die unterschiedlichen Facetten der Ungerechtigkeit in Europa zu überwinden. Danach wird es Live Musik und andere Kulturbeiträge geben. read more....
Invitation to the first preperation-meeting for the "Break Deportation Solidarity Actionweekend" in January 2017
When? Thursday, 8th of December
Where? In the rooms of the "Demokratischer Jugendring" (Seidelstraße 21)
As Break Deportation Network we are planning for the end January 2017 a big Event against deportations in Thüringen and in Solidarity with Roma-Thüringen-Activist Shani Haliti, who is currently fighting the deportation of his family. http://breakdeportation.blogsport.de/
„Roma-Black Box Solidarity“ - Break Deportation Aktion in Erfurt // Action Week in Jena
Break Deportation Aktion in Erfurt - „Roma-Black Box Solidarity“
Roma Solidaritäts-Veranstaltung mit Diskussion und Kulturprogramm
Update: https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4284
Refugee activists will speak on their experiences and struggles with deportation and social exclusion in Thüringen and Germany. After that their will be live music and other cultural programm.