24. Marz Demonstration in Meiningen: Break the racist isolation of the refugees - Close the Lager Camp in Zella-Mehlis Now! https://thevoiceforum.org/node/2034
Thueringia: Break the isolation and ghettoisation of refugees - Close the Lager Zella-Mehlis https://thevoiceforum.org/node/1999
2° MDR Video of MDR-report on Zella-Mehlis Refugee Isolation Lager Camp in Thueringen
This case is a real scandal as well: In the asylum seekers' home in Zella-Mehlis, the conditions are incredible. Walls, windows, doors, covered with a black carpet of mold. And a child sleeps in the middle of it all. These pictures, that have been sent to us exclusively, document the inhuman conditions in which about 170 people have to live there. But these are just the visible things. If you dive deeper into the topic, a real abyss is to be discovered. Because the inhabitants of the Heim have told us openly in front of the camera, that they're not only physically, but also psychologically set under pressure. A situation, that we didn't want to believe in at first. But these pictures and these statements are clear:
Black, disgusting mold spots all over. On the walls, in the bathroom, on the ceiling, in the bedroom, on the door frame in the hallway. An din the middle of all that: A newborn child. These are miserable conditions in the asylum seekers' home in Zella-Mehlis. The people, that found a shelter in their emergency, are now living in fear. In fear for their health and of consequences, when they publicly speak about it.
„The people are extremely terrified to tell the truth, because they're afraid to be deported. They will always say „The Hausmeister is great“, just to not be deported.“
- Such conditions in Zella-Mehlis are also denounced by TheVOICE. For now 16 years, the support network from Jena tries to make the miserable conditions public.
- „I can honestly not understand, why the people – no matter for which reasons they came here to Germany – they must have the right for life and the right for hope to live a better life.“
- The responsible Landratsamt does obviously not feel responsible for the problems. Its task would just be to house the refugees, who're waiting for the decision, if they can stay in Germany or not. How the particular rooms look like, shall be within the responsability of their inhabitants.
- „I think, a father who is not contended by the conditions, can simply take a brush and some paint in his hands and paint over his own walls. Because at some point, the staff resources of the company have an end.“
But any amateur would see by first sight, that some paint is not enough. The resonsible ones search the easy way out, knowing that the asylum seekers can be gone quickly – literally over night. Because especially in those hours, deportations are likely to be executed.
- „They give us 30 minutes to pack our stuff together. In case we don't do it, they oblige us to do it.“
- „That might happen in particular cases. But until it gets so far, it's such an administrative procedure, that this is the ultima ratio.
„That is not true. I cooperate with a very good lawyer and he says: Not even the lawyer is informed.“
Anyhow: No matter, how long for help seeking people stay here, however their future might look like; a human housing without fear for their own and their childrens' health, should be the minimum.
Absolutely. More on this scandalous conditions later in our show. Because we will stick to this topic.