Gangloffsömmern Refugees isolation camp ghetto in Thueringen - Germany
While activists of The VOICE already discussed first actions linked with the Lager Gangloffsömmern as part of the Break Isolation! - campaign, they received the news that the authorities decided to close the Lager. As earlier reported here, the contract with the private company Projektentwicklungs- und Betreuungs GmbH is ending on august 31st, 2011.
VIDEO view of Ganglöffsommern-Flüchtlingsisolation
After the broad attention to the campaign against the racist isolation in Zella-Mehlis, the discussion about the different housing practices of refugees rose up in society and administrative circles of Thüringen. During the protest against the Lager Zella-Mehlis, the structural problem of housing in Lagers and the solidarity with anyone being forced to live in a Lager has always been pointed out. In this context, it were always mentioned Zella-Mehlis, Gangloffsömmern, Gerstungen and Breitenworbis.
Gangloffsömmern, a village of about 1000 inhabitants, barely doesn't have anything more than a pub, a church and a football club. For shopping, the people have to go to Straußfurt, where anyone without a car is dependent on the rarely circulating busses. There are officially 40 unmarried men staying in the Lager. In fact, it's just around 10-20 who are constantly staying there. All the others make deals with the Lager staff (either 10 Euro in voucher /Gutschein, or „gifts“, how it's reported by refugees) and thereby gain the „freedom“ to show up just once in a month for receiving Gutschein and pocket money. The rest of the month they spend in other places. But there are quite some among the men, who don't have such resources or who don't have any friends or contacts outside of the Lager. Due to that reason, a part of them is forcely reduced to „sleep, eat, watch TV, sleep“ (quoted inhabitant) for years.
The building is quite broken down and inside, there is a constant moldy smell which stems from spots of rotten walls. A part of the Lager is a gym, which is used for sports by the inhabitants of the village – the refugees are not allowed to enter.
In preparation of coming public actions related to the completely isolated and rotten Lager of Gangloffsömmern, some activists of The VOICE recently visited it. On this meeting, the friends from the Lager confirmed the info of the future closure. But another news was the intimidation attempts by employees of the Ausländerbehörde: After a refugee had criticised the conditions in the Lager in Junge Welt, he was confronted with the article and threatened with juridical consequences. On behalf of the refugee community, he received broad support.
Now it's necessary to watch the authorities cautiously and to support the refugees in their uncompromising demand for decentral housing. Especially those, who are already facing repressive threats. A simple transfer into the isolated camps of other districts is as inacceptable as the opening of a new Lager in the disctrict of Sömmerda, which would also have the aim of isolating the refugees and controlling their life.
Break the Isolation! Decentral housing for all!
Facebook Fotos: Gangloffsömmer Refugee Ghetto…
More reports and photos will be published soon.
Langeweile und Angst: Delegations-Report der Tour von The VOICE durch Flüchtlingsheime in Thüringen
Wir fordern dringend auf zur Teilnahme und zur Unterstützung des Flüchtlingsrecht auf ein freies Leben in Würde für alle in Deutschland und ihres Rechtes ihren zerbrochenen Traum einer besseren Welt wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.
"We demand for your urgent participation and support the refugee right to free life with dignity for all in Germany and to revive their broken dream for a better world." .. The VOICE Refugee Foum Jena - Thueringen
Bitte helft diese Mail weiterzuverbreiten!
Demonstration in Marz 2011 in Zella-Mehlis
Die Isolation der Flüchtlinge brechen! Die Lager schließen! Die Lager abschaffen!!!
Bezüglich unserer aktuellen Dokumentationsarbeit zu Lagern in Thüringen wollen wir euch eben wissen lassen, welche Betreiberverträge dieses Jahr auslaufen:
Zella-Mehlis: 1.4.2011
Breitenworbis: 30.6.2011
Gangloffsömmern: 31.8.2011
Gerstungen: 31.8.2011
Wir wollen die Gelegenheit nutzen, den öffentlichen Protest zu organisieren, um den Druck auf einige der Landkreise zu erhöhen, die Verträge nicht zu verlängern. Angesichts unserer personellen Möglichkeiten sollten wir uns jedoch auf das konzentrieren, was wir bisher an Infos und Verbindungen zu einigen der Lager haben, um von dieser Basis aus das rassistische Lagersystem langfristig zu entlarven.
Am Donnerstag, dem 27.1.2011, findet um 19.00 Uhr ein Treffen im VOICE-Büro im Schillergässchen 5 in Jena statt, auf dem weitere Schritte im Anti-Lager-Kampf diskutiert werden, um die Isolation der Flüchtlinge zu brechen und die Lager zu schließen.
"Die Leute hier sind fix und fertig" Karawane Festival - Delegation in Thüringer Flüchtlingslagern
Delegationsbesuch der Isolationsheime in Gerstungen und Gangloffsömmern,Thüringen
The VOICE needs your Support and Donation to Break Isolation Campaign against Refugee Isolation Camps and Lagers
Flüchtlingsheim vor Schließung - Thüringen: Künftige Unterbringung der Bewohner angeblich noch nicht klar
Isolationslager Gangloffsömmern wird geschlossen - Landkreis Sömmerda kommt The VOICE zuvor