Report on Break Isolation Rally in Erfurt 23.6.11
VIDEO:"My Freedom is not for sale!" Miloud L. Cherif - A Refugee activist in Zella-Mehlis, Germany
Close down all Refugee Isolation Camps and Lager -
For the Abolition of Residenzpflicht (restriction of movement) and for Freedom of Movement
The Rally was organized by the Break Isolation Network and it symbolized a starting point of preparation for the demonstration on Saturday 22.10.2011 in Erfurt.
Activists, refugees and supporters from Thüringen started to gather in Anger Platz as early as 16pm. About 80 people attended the rally, which started officially at 18pm. The music system was set up and banners unfolded across the entire space.
Refugees came from different regions of Thüringia, like Zella Mehlis, Gangloffsömmern, Felchta , Apolda, Eisenach, Weimar, Erfurt, Nordhausen, Muhlhausen, Sondershausen and Anstadt, etc, including Break Isolation activists from Jena, Suhl, Gotha, Weimar and a refugee from Hof in Bayern also participated in the rally.
The opening speech was held by Miloud L. Cherif, an Algerian refugee from Zella Mehlis, who was one of the three moderators, side by side with two more activists, who did translations into German and Persian.
A few more refugees stated in their brief speeches the many selective restrictions in their daily life, they described different colours of psychological torture, expressed their anger and refused the exclusion and isolation policy of the German state. Together with speakers from Break Isolation activists, they called for the abolition of the lager regime, in addition to bring back dignity to refugees' life. A common conclusion was that nobody else than the people themselves could take back their dignity and stand together for a substantial change in a system of competition and segregation.
Four lagers in Thüringen were in focus, which are Zella-Mehlis, Gerstungen, Breitenworbis and Gangloffsömmern. The contracts between the local administration and private companies, who're running these places, are running out this summer. So the central message is: No extension or renewing of any of these contracts - close the Lagers.
Ismael, an Iranian refugee who lives in Apolda spoke about his daughter and the first day after every school holidays, when the German children are telling and writing about their experiences and adventures during the holidays, and Ismael's daughter can always only mention a sad, miserable time in the lager. Ismael closed, that he feels very bad and sorry to forced to offer his daughter such a life.
Mehrdot also an Iranian from Muhlhausen recount something about the German propaganda and the lies the German government spreads all over the world. If they would act as consequent as they behave towards refugees they had to tell the world that they are an inhuman country and should close their borders.
If they are really serious about their norms and values they must immediately change their behaviour towards refugees.
Osaren Igbinoba furthermore addressed the participants giving details about state repression mechanisms and he called for solidarity, for everybody to unite against the exclusion policy of the state. He also promised that the next demo in Erfurt on 22.10.2011 will be huge, inviting Erfurters to join it and make the 22nd October a special day in human dignity.
He re-emphasize the importance of the movement to Break the isolation of refugees in Germany and to scandalize the racist persecution of refugees by the state through migration control and its instruments of residenzpflicht, deportations and Deportation prisons, social benefits and other forms of discriminatory isolation of refugee in camps and lagers.
The refugee communities and the participants unanimously demanded:
The closure of all the Refugee Isolation camps and Lagers here in Thueringia and anywhere else Germany
The Abolition of Residenzpflicht and for Freedom of Movement
We also aknowleged the solidarity support from the Network of the caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants in Wuppertal and Hamburg with songs of resistance the "caravan people are fighters" and for the abolitions of all the inhuman laws, controls, the isolation and persecutions of refugees.
By 21:00, the rally came to an end, but the efforts of refugees' self-liberation for a better life will never end.
We planned to organize from Jena regular visit to Refugee Camp on every wednesday of the week to Breitenworbis, Gerstungen, Zella-Mehlis and Gangloffsömmern. Departure time at 10am in Schillergäschen 5, 07745.
The Next Break Isolation Meeting - Close down the Refugee Lagers in Thueringen will take place on the 12th of July 2011 at 18:00
Interested persons can contact us:
Break Isolation Meeting - Close down the Refugee Lagers and Camps in Thueringen!
Miloud L Cherif and Break-Isolation-Network
Activists and members of Rivolta FSU Jena, JG Stadtmitte Jena, Redroxx and Refugee Council in Erfurt, The VOICE Refugee Forum – Refugee Communities and Support Network in Thueringen participated in the rally.
Regular Meetings in Jena two times a month: Every second and last Tuesdays of the month, at 6pm. Place: The VOICE Refugee Forum, Schillergaesschen 5, 07745 Jena