Wishing we all could express our warm solidarity to the Jena Refugee conference preparation group and Rex Osa for the excellent moderation. The outcome of the Conference gives a signal that refugees are taking back power to stand against their isolation in lagers and Scandalise the war on migration through repressions, racism and other instruments of colonial injustices.
The Break Isolation Camp from 23rd of August to 2nd of September 2012 in Thueringen would mean a process of political empowerment and self organisation in Germany:
Refugees will take the power back!
All roads lead to a nationwide refugee summer camp: We will continue our campaigns through workshop and seminars on The War on Migration and the control of refugees and migrants in the Germanized Europe:
The Camp will strengthen the resources of Refugee self organization and empower their Political engagements in exposing their situation in the different regions like Thueringen, Baden-württemberg, Sachsen Anhalt, Nidersachsen, Berlin and Brandenburg.
Ad hoc group is to be set up on refugee events and protest actions in Ausburg, Hannover, Baden- Baden, Greiz, Zella-Mehis, Waltershausen, Halberstadt and Eisenhüttenstadt.
The VOICE Refugee Forum together with the conference participants, the Caravan for the right of refugees and the Break isolation network are calling for solidarity with Miloud Cherif and Olesia Sarah's deportation stop campaign and for active mobilisation for 9 - 11 May Action days (Berlin) as frame work of the Break Isolation camp:
*7.05.12 Stop the Deportations Rally in Meiningen with Miloud Lahmar Cherif (Algerian) and Olesia „Sarah” Lahmar Cherif (Ukrainian) and
*From 9-11 May Action days against Refugee Country deportation Collaboaration (Preparation Meeting 20.04.2012 in Berlin)
The Refugee conference of The VOICE Refugee Forum hosted more than 100 participants from different Refugee community and support network all over Germany and the report on the conference will be published online.
Donnerstag, 19. April 2012 - Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof - 16:00Uhr
für ein Stopp der Botschaftsanhörungen
für ein Ende der Kollaboration mit den diktatorischen Regimes in Afrika
Flugblatt zum download und zum vervielfältigen:
Open invitation to The VOICE Refugee Forum Conference in 2012 (14/15.04.2012 in Jena): https://thevoiceforum.org/node/2486
Our presence is our strenght!
stay me all well in solidarity
osaren Igbinoba, Jena