On the Move!
Caravan Internal Meeting and Break Isolation - Refugee Summer Camp
preparation that will take place in Erfurt this weekend
Date: 7th and 8th of July 2012
Arrival: Saturday, at 13.00h, begin at 14.00h
End: Sunday, at 16.00h
The Refugee Summer Camp 2012 in Erfurt will become the 10days' events of our struggles in Solidarity to break the isolation of refugees in Geramny.
We will set the rules and take back the power to organize and mobilize to reclaim the Agenda - All that we could not achive yet cannot be realized without us and together we are strenghtening our community initiatives, the activists and the campaigns during the camp from on the 23th of August till 2nd of September 2012.
The main topics of the meeting will be the mobilisation of refugees nationwide
working groups on the various issues
events of the refugee camp
Who coordinates what?
What is our vision for the camp?
In detail:
Proposals for the program of the camp
mobilisation/registration for the camp (postcard, call multilingual, lager visits/mobilisation actions)
presentation and discussion about the workshops-responsibilities and more inputs
camp preparation status quo
working groups on other camp issues
reports from the current refugee struggles
dates of meetings/actions
Please confirm your interest to participate in the Break Isolation Campaign and the planning of the refugee summer camp in Erfurt and let us know how many people come with you to the nationwide refugee solidarity camp in Thueringen.
The meeting is part of the internal meeting of the caravan network but we would like to use the occassion to invite you to the refugee summer camp in August.
We appreciate that you inform refugees in your areas about the camp preparation and We also hope that all participants are mobilizing refugees in their areas and register their participation with The VOICE / CARAVAN network. We want to be sure of how many are the refugees and how they will arrange their transportation to the camp.
Till now you can contact refugee activists from Thüringen, Baden-Württenberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Berlin, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen and Bayern who have been involved in the camp discussions and will be participating in the coordination.
We hope you all will be informed of our clear manifestation from the central call to the camp that you can support to publish online and organize information events in your towns and cities.
We will keep up our courage to build a new world order of solidarity with the struggles of the repressed and oppressed refugees in Germany. The Camp central call will be published online in the mailing lists
Please donate to the Success of Break Isolation - Refugee Summer Camp
Account / Konto: code “RefugeeCamp2012”
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Kontonummer 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
BAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29,
For more information:
Those who are not able to come to the preparatory meetings could inform us about their interest in the camp via email: refugeecamp2012@riseup.net
The VOICE Refugee Forum,
Jena Tel.: 0176 24568898
Email: thevoiceforum@gmx.de