Habibi is Free!!
The Afghan refugee activist Habibi was arested right after the caravan meeting in Erfurt due to a racist police control at the main station. He was put into deportation custody and threatened with deportation to Hungary.
He was released from the Erfurt Police detention cell at about 8:30 this morning to go the Eisenberg BAMF in Thueringen to reapply for new asylum.
On behalf of the Break isolation Campaign in Thueringen and The Caravan for the rights of refugee and migrants the solidarity with refugees keep growing, more than 50 young activists responded to the call to protest the arrest of Habibi at Federal police station by the central train station to
demand for his immediate release. Some of the activists stayed over night in front of the police station till his release this morning.
The spontaneous protest yesterday is another beginning of our call to keep the police under control in Erfurt against any abuse of refugees and migrants' freedom of movement. We will continue to denounce any racist intimidation and deportation of migrants from Germany.
More information on the protest action will be posted online later today.
On the move!
Break isolation!
We demanded the
> http://radio-frei.de/index.php?iid=7&ksubmit_show=Artikel&kartikel_id=3…