Activists callout (for refugees and non-refugees)
Go to a refugee camp in your area and support the Protest of refugees!
This is a callout for all those who will no longer continue to accept the inhumane living-conditions of refugees, forced on them by the asylum-legislation and who will not stand aside while these laws are killing people every day. A call to those who know about the crucial role of self-organised protest against isolation, harassment and deportation. A call to those who wont say: „We did not know.“
Why now?
On 19th of march refugees in Würzburg started a new era of protest against the inhumane laws threatening their lifes. After a refugee killed himself, refugees started to leave the Lagers, they are forced to live in, in order to establish actiontents in many cities and take the protest to the streets and into the public. Their general demands are: - Abolish all refugeecamps in germany! - Abolish the deportationlaws! – Deportation is inhumane and deadly and serves only the political and economical interests of those in power. - Abolish the „Residenzpflicht“! The protest grew quickly; there where protestcamps in 9 cities in 4 states in total. Since the 8th of septembre protesters started on two routes from Würzburg to Berlin to bring the protest to the central point of political responsibility for these racist and criminal laws and fight together. At the same time they visit as many refugee camps as possible on their way, to speak with people about their experienced powerlessness and isolation in Germany and to empower them to go the long way together. From a declaration of the striking refugees: „We mobilize all over Germany to break the isolation, against deportation and Lagers, for the closure of all Heims and for the liberation from the bondage of Residenzpflicht in Germany. (…) Now it is time to stand up, we don’t want to witness the death of one of us any longer, because the inhuman treating of asylum seekers in Germany could drive anyone of us to death. (…) We quit the fixed borders and the cages built for us, because we believe that the concept of a life within Heims for asylum seekers is unfair. We exceed these borders, because we believe that this freedom is the least right of every human. And we will resist the deportation law of the government, because these laws only serve the financial and political interests of the government. It’s the right of each and every human to choose where he_she lives. Shoulder to shoulder and stronger than ever we’re doing everything in our power to reach this dream and with the support of other asylum seekers we will witness the fullfillment of our rights.“
What’s now for you to do, to support this struggle of refugees:
On 6th of october all refugees, who want to fight on the streets for the abolishment of these inhumane laws, will gather in Berlin. In Berlin there shall be made common decisions on how the struggle is going to be continued until all demands have been reached, because this is an open and self-organized protest of refugees. So what you can do is, to go to the next refugee camp that’s close to where you live. There you can just distribute the call for refugees. ( If you know people discriminated by the special laws for „non-germans“, hand the flyers to them and tell them about the protests in Berlin. These will need the support of as many activists as possible. So mobilize all to come to Berlin from the 6th of october on. If you’re working with or for people, who have fled from their country, inform them! Speak with people about the protest, if they like and think together about how they can come to Berlin. Hand them the telephone numbers of the protest bus, the numbers can be called if there are any questions (Farsi, English, French, Arabic, Somali, Italian, Spanish, German are no problem, for other languages there can be found solutions to communicate). For that it’s important that at first as many refugees as possible get to know about the protest! Most refugee camps are isolated and hard to reach by public transport. To break that isolation and support the protests, the struggling refugees need the support of all those, who feel responsible and who don’t want to accept the systematical violence against humans any longer! Legal support for example needed in case of police controls regarding Residenzpflicht is guaranteed – there are lawyers as well as financial support. The striking people consciously break this law because they don’t acceppt this cut of their freedom.
For further information see:;
Tel.Nr. 0152/13170953 | 0152/23608273 email: refugeeresistanceworldwide[ätt]