We agreed and planned to have a demonstration in Bitterfeld on the 29.11.2012.
The delegate of the refugee self-organization „Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg”, the Caravan and the Voice networks Sachsen – Anhalt, visited the isolated camp of Friedersdorf (Bitterfeld) on 04.11.2012, to control and verify, how the responsible authorities are treating us refugees in Bitterfeld.
The delegate met with fellow refugees from Friedersdorf and organizes a refugee meeting in Bitterfeld on 04.11.2012, to discuss the living conditions and treatments received from the responsible authorities of Bitterfeld.
Through this refugee meeting, we come out unanimously to have a refugee declaration paper, which will be sent to the responsible authorities and publically published. Secondly, we agreed and planned to have a demonstration in Bitterfeld on the 29.11.2012.
All your supports are welcome. Join us to save lives!
Solidarity to all refugees!
VIDEO: Protestmarch 29.9. Wittenberg/Möhlau - Bitterfeld und Marke Flüchtlingsisolatioslagers
Berlin: Mbolo Yufanyi live Radio Broadcast Manifestation of THE VOICE and Plataforma on Reboot FM 88,4
Dear Friends and activists of The VOICE Refugee Forum and the Caravan for the rights of refugees and Migrants, We want to announce that our next time ON AIR in Reboot fm will be on Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 (from 8-9pm). This time ON AIR will be dedicated to the upcoming Tribunal of the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants, which will take place in Berlin in 2013.
You can also listen to our previous broadcasted programes on podcast from the links below.
Please try to spread it around if it is OK for you.
We hope to have you as listeners.
Listen to THE VOICE and Plataforma on Reboot FM 88,4:
The VOICE Berlin.
Version francaise
Les refugies se unifient le 04.11.2012 en Bitterfeld, Sachsen Anhalt contre l’injustice
La délégation de soi organisation de refugier, s’agissent de « Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg » les réseaux de la caravane et le Voice Sachsen – Anhalt, avait visité le Camp d’isolement du Friedersdorf (Bitterfeld) le 04.11.2012, pour contrôler et vérifier comment l’autorité responsable nous traiter en Bitterfeld.
La délégation avait rencontré ses collègues du Friedersdorf et ensembles organisé une réunion à Bitterfeld le 04.11.2012, pour discuter les conditions des vies et traitements, recevaient de l’autorité responsable du Bitterfeld.
À travers de cette réunion, nous avions à l'unanimité conclu d’avoir une déclaration, laquelle doit être envoyer aux autorités responsables et publier publiquement. Deuxièmement, nous avions agrée et planifie à avoir une démonstration en Bitterfeld le 29.11.2012.
Tous vos soutient sont bienvenu. Rejoindrez ! Pour sauver les vies.
Solidarité à tous les refugies !
*Contact :*
*Karawane für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und Migrantinnen Wittenberg, Sachsen Anhalt*
*Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg, Sachsen Anhalt*
*The Voice Refugee Forum Wittenberg, Sachsen Anhalt
Tel: +4917699321843
Refugees self-Organisations are protesting and criticising the responsible authorites in Bitterfeld
Submitted by voice on Thu, 01/11/2012 - 23:34.
Refugees self-Organisations are protesting and criticising the responsible authorites in Bitterfeld
Oumarou Hamani Ousman
Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg, Caravan and the Voice network Sachsen Anhalt are criticizing the responsible authorities of the local government of Bittefeld for not considering the psychological sicknesses, etc. caused by obliging us, refugees to reside for so many years in the Refugees Camp of Friedersdorf and Marke, which itself is highly isolated.
Relating to that, refuges self-Organization is planning a preparatory meeting in Bitterfeld to discuss the issue by ourselves, eventually for a manifestation or demonstration.
We are calling for a total closure of the isolated Camp of Friedersdorf and Marke, to decentralize all refugees to private houses.
Working permits to all refugees!
Stop deportation threats and abuses!
Protection to all refugees! And abolish the restriction of movement!
Oumarou Hamani Ousman
Asylbewerber bemängeln zu wenig Toiletten und Duschen
VON DETMAR OPPENKOWSKI, 26.10.12, 10:37h, aktualisiert 26.10.12, 14:43h
Anhalt-Bitterfeld Asylsuchende protestieren gegen Lebensbedingungen
erstellt 25.10.12, 12:55h, aktualisiert 25.10.12, 13:17h