1.2.14: Information event and solidarity Party /// 1.2.14: Infoveranstaltung und Soli-Party in Berlin
PDF: Flyer_Soli_Caravan_DE
In preparation for the next Nationwide Caravan meeting taking place in Berlin from the 14th-16th of March 2014 in Almende (Kottbusser Damm 25-26), we, different refugee and migrant political groups under the umbrella of the Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants Berlin are organizing mobilization and solidarity events in Berlin.
In Vorbereitung des nächsten deutschlandweiten Karawane-Treff ens am 14.-16. März 2014 in Berlin (Almende – Kottbusser Damm 25-26) organisieren wir – verschiedene politische Flüchtlings- und MigrantInnengruppen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Karawane für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen – mehrere Mobilisierungsund Soliveranstaltungen in Berlin.
The first event will take place at Mio’l, Muskauer Str. 15: /// Die erste Veranstaltung findet in Mio’l, Muskauer Str. 15, statt:
20:00 Film and Discussion
24:00 Soli-Party
Do we occupy spaces or spaces occupy us? /// The rules of engagement /// Political events and meetings of the Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants /// Lager Mobilization
For more Info:
Previous postStatement of solidarity with the African refugees in ’48 occupied Palestine