It was not my aim to be acquitted because as a Black person in this country
I just want to use this forum to thank all of you who have been with me physically, in thoughts and in their individual or collective public and private fights for justice, UHURU and against racism in Babylon Germany. I thank all who have stood besides me and with me in these theater and satiric moments in and out of the German courts. Like I once said, it is not only my fight, it is our fight. It was not my aim to be acquitted because as a Black person in this country, one court acquittance will not wipe out the condemnation levied by their justice system. That I have succeeded once more to expose this racist system is all your credit. While we rest assured that we are going to appeal against this verdict(which is not only racist but disgraceful to all Black people living here), believing in this system and their courts and all what makes it would be a wrong decision. Oury Jalloh and all the other dead Black sisters and brothers (Initiative Christy Schwundeck) are still of living memory. We will use their courts to expose them while we fight them with every means and weapons possible, where ever we find ourselves. Thank you once more for your support and you all will be informed of further developments.
Mbolo Yufanyis Gericht Verhandlung/Court Hearings (Part 9)
am Donnerstag: 06.02.2014,
um 11:00 Uhr, Sitzungssaal/Room 672
Amtsgericht Tiergarten/Moabit;Turmstraße 91; 10559 Berlin
Wir laden auch weiterhin alle Aktivisten und Unterstützer zur fortlaufenden Prozessbeobachtung ein.
Touch one touch all.
Resistance against Racism and colonial injustice despite judicial
Mobilization Video:
Prozessbericht zu Gericht Verhandlung/Court Hearings (Part 8) am 27.01.2014, Raum 572 .
Vorgeladener Zeuge, der Polizeibeamte Degen
Der Zeuge schildert den Tathergang:
„Herr Yufanyi hat die Möglichkeit bekommen unsere Dienstnummern aufzuschreiben, auch meine. Ein Tumult entstand, …wir beschlossen die Polizeikette aufzugeben...