March to remember victims of slavery and colonialism - Berlin
Activists of Berlin's black community hold th front banner of the march to remember the victims of slavery, slave trade and colonialism. 2013 FOTOS:
Sa 22.02.2014
11:30 am
U-Bhf. Mohrenstraße
The Committee for the erection of an African memorial in Berlin (KADIB) organizes on 22.2.2014 the 8th memorial march in remembrance of the African victims of slave trade, slavery, colonialism and racist violence.
This memorial march was initiated in order to stress the claim for recognition of the crimes against black people/people of African descent (slavery, colonialism, genocide, prosecutions and forced sterilizations by the NS regime, racist murders).
We chose the date for the day of remembrance according to the last day of the Congo conference (15.11.1884 – 26.02.1885), also called Berlin conference, during which Africa was arbitrarily divided by bloodthirsty colonial powers.
This year the memorial march is dedicated to the deceased Nelson Mandela. In honor of his fight against Apartheid, racism, colonialism and according to his efforts for a peaceful world the district of Berlin-Mitte has to finally rename the colonial racist “Mohrenstrasse” in Nelson-Mandela-Strasse!
For successfully carrying out the memorial march (wreath, candle, flyer + photocopies) we are dependent on donations. Please donate to:
Afrika-Rat Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., account number: 702242, bank code: 210
602 37, Evangelische Darlehensgenossenschaft, subject: Afrikanisches Denkmal
We would like to thank you for your support
Kind regards
Representing the Committee
Moctar Kamara
The memorial march is supported by: Zentralrat der afrikanischen Gemeinde in Deutschland, Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD-Bund), Afrika-Rat Berlin Brandenburg, Afrikanischer Dachverband Norddeutschland, Afrikarat Norddeutschland, Arbeitskreis Panafrikanismus München, Afrikabund Hamburg, Pan African Women Liberation & Empowerment Organisation (Pawlo Germany) Berlin Postkolonial, AfricAvenir, Berliner Entwicklungspolitische Ratschlag (BER), The VOICE Refugee Forum, Initiative in Gedanken an Oury Jalloh, Afrotak