History walks on the dusty land of Lampedusa.
Carrying horror and tears in a place where with the waves the dreams of many have vanished in the sea.
"I learnt that you have to give to every human being the right that you claim for yourself.
My life has been meaningless, in the last three years I came to Europe"
We stepped on that border land.
A border that you cannot really see, apart in some rusty sign of the coast guard.
But it's a border you can perceive, you can feel.
In the manifold uniforms that occupy the island.
In the objects lost from the shipwrecks.
In the tired gazes of the people of the island, in their awareness of being just a little rock, in the middle of the sea.
In the tall Gate of Europe, situated in most southern spot of this fortress-continent.
We've put in common.
Created Right where it's the contrary of Power.
Embraced utopia and concreteness, in a common struggle from below, with the People at the core.
"The Charter of Lampedusa states that, as human beings, we all inhabit the planet Earth as a shared place, and that this common belonging must be respected. Differences must be considered as an asset, a source of new opportunities, and never be exploited to build barriers." (from the Preamble)
RadioDog - If I can't dance, it's not my Revolution