Rome 15.02.2014 - Mai più Cie! - No more Deportation Prisons! from claudio feliziani on Vimeo.
Rome - Ponte Galeria CIE - Identification and Expulsion Center for MIgrants - the biggest in Italy with 300 places. In December 21, 2013 the inmates are 100, men and women. 40 of them start a hungerstrike. Some of them sew their mouths too. The strike ends with the deportation of 5 of the strikers.
February 6, 2014 the hunger strike starts again. Again 4 of the migrants start a hungerstrike and sewed their mouths again to claim for their rights to not be deported to Morocco.
February 15, 2014. Demonstration MAI PIU' CIE! - CIE Never Again! Stop Deportations! Close Detention Centers!
Out of the 13 CIE existing in Italy, 8 have been already closed by the uprisings of the inmates self. In Italy more then 600.000 people are living and working without papers are criminalized by the migration system.
One year ago three magrebian migrants, who were leading an uprising in Crotone's detention center , climbing the roof and resisting the police for 6 days were released by Court from charges having acted for the legitimate defence their human dignity. The conditions of detention has been considered by a Court of the Italian State "unworthy for human beings". Who is the criminal?