Demo für Lampedusa-Flüchtlinge in Frankfurt
Etwa 300 Menschen demonstrieren in der Frankfurter Innenstadt für eine neue Flüchtlingspolitik der Europäischen Union. Anlass ist die Flüchtlingskatastrophe vor der italienischen Mittelmeerinsel Lampedusa. Dort ertranken im Oktober 364 Menschen. Besonders setzen sich die Demonstranten für 300 Flüchtlinge ein, die in Hamburg auf Asyl hoffen.
Foto: Andreas Arnold - Frankfurt - Frankfurt Rundschau…
just to let you know that besides these impressive pictures from the storm on the fences in Melilla, there is also a growing resistance against the inner-european migration-regime. In Germany in different regions selforganised refugees start confronting the Dublin-regulation. The background is the try of the German authorities to use the change from Dublin II to III, to really start with harsh policy of deportation into 2014. Thousands of requests were taken to Italy and Hungary by the migration office only in December 2013 to take back people. This leads to a massive increase of deportation orders.
In Hanau, a small city near Frankfurt, we started (inspired from Lampedusa in Hamburg) an initiative as Lampedusa in Hanau (see statement below). In Frankfurt mostly eritrean refugees started to protest against Dublin with a first demonstration with about 300 in the protest on Monday - and a second demonstration will follow soon in beginning of April. Also in other places we know about actions to stop deportations and a lot of resistance in single cases supported by very different people.
We would like to know if you face similar situations in other countries
as well.
All the best,
Statement of Lampedusa in Hanau
We escaped from a dictatorship with forced recruitment and political persecution in Eritrea and from a 23 years long civil war with forced recruitment and raping of women in Somalia.
We survived to cross the desert with little food and too less water and we faced kidnappings for blackmailing our relatives or even to misuse our bodies for trade with organs. Arriving in Libya we experienced strong racism on the streets and systematic imprisonment, partly for years. Crossing the Mediterranean Sea we again had to risk our lives in overcrowded boats. Some of us experienced shipwrecks and the death of relatives or friends on sea, before we arrived on the coasts of Lampedusa, Sicily or Malta.
Most of us were forced to give our fingerprints in Italy or Malta, although we never want to stay in these countries. Some tried to live in Italy, but it was and it is impossible under the crisis to build a safe life. In Malta we are confronted with rigid detention or we are out of any social system.
In Italy we went through overcrowded camps with inhuman conditions and internal fights. We experienced homelessness and racist violence and sexual harassment on the street, we were without any income, perhaps one time per day food by caritas and without medical provision.
Against this background we travelled to Germany to ask for asylum and protection. But here we face again insecurity and threat of deportation back to Italy and Malta. German authorities refuse to allow us the access to a fair asylum procedure.
We first of all demand not to be deported back to Italy or Malta.
We need access to a fair asylum procedure.
We are living now in Hanau, Maintal, Bruchköbel, Freigericht.
We know that many of our friends and relatives from Hamburg to Frankfurt are in similar situations. We know that there are many who have problems not only with their fingerprints in Italy or Malta but also in other countries like Hungary who cannot survive there. We know that there are also many who had in mind to go for example to Sweden or Norway because they have relatives there have been stopped on their way in Germany. The system of Dublin cannot grant us the protection and safety we need. It stops us from building a future after all this hardship we had to go through. We are in solidarity against deportations and exclusion and for the rights of refugees and migrants in Germany and Europe.
We need the freedom to choose the place to stay.
We ask to delete our fingerprints from the European Data-System because these fingerprints are like a prison to us. No Fingerprints - no Dublin II and III.
We are here to stay!