call for public court observation
monday April 7 at 1 pm, local court Hamburg, Sievekingplatz 3, room 184
The activist of the" caravan for the rights of regugees and migrants" and supporter of "Lampedusa in Hamburg", Ralf Lourenco, is accused of trespassing and violating the sanctity of the townhall on July 18 last year. In that time some supporters visited the townhall to rise awareness about the precarious situation of "Lampedusa in Hamburg", to talk to the persons responsible and to deliver a letter.
They demanded a public hearing about the history and the current situation presented by "Lampedusa in Hamburg" themselves with participation of representatives from the African community, churches, mosques, trade union and grassroot organisations on the one side and representatives of the government on the other side.
The aim was to break the ignorance of the government concerning the emergency situation of the libyan war refugees and to demand a political solution.
Till today the Hamburg senat denies the rights of the survivors of the NATO war in Libya. The Hamburg senat executes and prolongs the misery in which the workers and their families were thrown into by the war. The Hamburg senat cheats the public about his opportunities to grant a residence permit and a working permit for the group members. The Hamburg senat promotes racism on the costs of the concerned persons. The Hamburg senat ignores the voices of tenthousands of citizens who are behind the just request of the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg".
In the general public debates often we hear about the necessity of "civil courage" and critics to the attitude of "sitting idly by and looking aside". In the concrete situation the state answers with criminalisation.
come to the trial
"Lampedusa in Hamburg" - They are here to stay!