Fight to End the Fear and the Insecurity here! Rroma Refugee Speaks out in Beulwitz (Saalfeld)
Thueringen Reports from The VOICE - Thüringen Refugee community meeting in the camps and lagers on the struggles and tragedies of refugee coming to Germany
Reports of Refugees meeting in the lagers of Apolda, Beulwitz (Saalfeld) and Eisenberg:
In early March 2014, a series of meetings of the Thüringen refugee community has started with a meeting in Beulwitz (Saalfeld) on the refugee protest March to Brussels and the struggle of the Roma to stop their deportation from Thüringen.
Refugees in Beulwitz (Saalfeld) and Apolda have been informed about the refugee protest march to Brussels. For the first time they have the possibility to be part of the action and to fight for our rights and against this continuous system of the injustice that refugee suffered in the isolation and deprivation to live a life of human dignity in Germany.
Nevertheless some of us are worried and curious about this action and its strength to break the EUROPEAN BORDER, as in Germany more restriction of movement still exists than in the other European countries.
In the refugees meeting in Beulwitz (Saalfeld) and Apolda the similarities in their various situations in the Lagers were much emphasised. It was reported on deportation threats and deportations, the exclusion and discrimination of Roma including the lack of adequate health care in Beulwitz (Saalfeld).
In Jena we met 29.03.with Refugees from Eisenberg Reception Camp to discuss the threats of deportation on Forceful Fingerprinting by Dublin regulations against the migrants. We discussed the repression of the Afghanistan refugees from Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Hungary and Poland and their situation in their camp, as well as the problems of the African refugees from Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya who arrived Italy waiting for the uncertainty within the social exclusion here and the daily deportation threats that the refugees are already facing from Germany. More Afghans’ asylum applicant’s decisions are delayed for several months or years of refusal of decisions by the Federal Office for Migration to answer our demand in dignity of human right. The refugee are angry that they were only registered their personal identities and how they arrive from other countries to Germany without questions on information on their persecutions, oppression and human rights abuses they suffered on the way and here in the reception camps.
Many of the refugees are eager to learn without right to vocational training or trades, without the right attend further education and without the right to work.
Activists in the lagers complained of the lack of meeting places and communication service, without internet access in the lagers. There is the stigmatization by refugee food coupons which still exist only in Greiz and Apolda in Thüringen, there is the intimidation of refugees meeting with their visitors as public threat and violation of the refugees housing, even when the refugees are part of our refugees meeting in the Lager of Jena their right of freedom of assembly is violated as we found out.
We are preparing for a refugee meeting and discussion on Mahmoud Yassine, refugee activist from Breitenwrbis calling for the closure of his refugee camp. The declaration of The VOICE Refugee Forum initiative Breitenworbis on the situation in Breitenworbis was delivered to the politicians and the state administrators hearing in the district parliament of Eichsfeld in Heiligenstadt on 26th of March 2014.
Among the topics we will discuss and Information event:
* The organization "The Voice Refugee Forum" and it fight against the injustice "20 years of struggle"
Actual Urgent Actions on Deportation and the threat of deportations in Thüringen:
- Dublin II/III Treaty and Forceful-Fingerprint regulation
Delay and refusal of Interview Hearing and without decisions by the federal office of migration.
– The RRoma voluntary returns and adequate medical of refugees in Thüringen.
Break isolation campaign - Community Protest in Thueringen:
The Dublin II / III Regulation and the Isolation Lager
* Solidarity is the key to our success – for normal housing and Residence:
* No Deportation, No Return
* Close down the refugee Isolation lager in Breitenworbis / normal housing for refugees in Jena.
* The Dublin Treaty and Force-Fingerprint Regulation of refugees
*Stop the discrimination and stigmatization of refugees by food vouchers in Greiz and Apolda.
Refugee Space and Community Forum in Thueringen:
The Refugee community in Thüringen is starting to prepare theirtestimonies and appeal to international refugee tribunal on Colonial Injustice and the documentation of refugee abuses and declarations on human rights abuses of refugees, the insecurity and tragedies of asylum seekers and refugees in Germany
First Open Meeting of The VOICE - Refugee community this year in Jena on 19th April 2014
The VOICE Refugee Forum - We are meeting to inform refugees about our workshops and seminars on refugee struggles. Full Text
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The Refugee Community Meetings in Thueringen
Mission, Vision and Values:
To live a free life with Human Dignity
Our Mission: We are self-organized as refugees and migrants activists to advance:
- Our struggles against the colonial injustice of migration control
- Our self-reliant network or platform of the most oppressed who are also the most vulnerable and discriminated people for equal rights and Opportunities in Germany
- The empowerment of our self determination to realize our potential for democratic societies of justice and equality that guarantees our security and prosperity in solidarity with the oppressed refugees
- In order to break the isolation, stop the deportation, close the Refugee camps
- For normal housing and unconditional freedom of movement
- Without racism or discrimination and exploitation of people be it Refugees and Migrants
- For Refugees Community on Cooperatives' Employment
On 20years of Refugee Resistance and The VOICE Refugee Forum Workshops and Seminars on Refugee Struggle in Thueringen:
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The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988,
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70,
E-Mail: thevoiceforum at