Accusations: 3 times repeated violation of the German State Law on Public Assembly in Ludwigsburg district on 07.05.13
Date: Tuesday 22.04.13 @ 12:00noon
Place: Ludwigsburg Administrative Court, Schorndorfer Straße 39,
Courtroom B (Ground Floor)
This framed up charges of violation is connected to the visit of The Refugee Liberation Bus Tour to Refugees in Ludwigsburg District as one amongst the 44 districts visited by the Bus tour that went through more than 50 refugee isolation lagers in Baden Württemberg last year. Ludwigsburg district Police stands out as the only ones who identifies our visit to the refugees in the lagers as protest.
The Liberation Bus Tour as part of the „Break Isolation Strike“ kicked off with a public Launching at the Central Reception Center for Refugees in Karlsruhe with a declaration of our intention to visit fellow refugees in the lagers, exchange experiences and mobilize them to the June 2013 Refugee Tribunal against the FRG organized by the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants.
The launching was meant to send a signal a strong signal for free access and no provocation from any form of state organs be it the Police or other Officials of the State or districts.
Information from reliable sources also confirmed an internal correspondence from the State Regional office to alert all district Officials attentive observation and control of our mission as to avoid escalation based on the past experience with the previous Revolution Bus Tour that was rocked with massive police confrontation even here in Baden Württemberg.
As it was planned and displayed in our online call, four Public protest were clearly marked out with official registration that was accompanied with Police cooperation discussion as the case may be.
Karlsruhe 26.04.13 Launching of the Tour
Schwäbisch Gmünd 13.05.13 - Protest against “Drei König” food package Company
Augsburg 25.05.13 - Info Tent and Demo in Augsburg
Stuttgart 03-08/06.13 - Liberation Demonstration in Stuttgart
Outside the aforementioned officially registered protest actions, there were just spontaneous action as immediate reactions to illegal and unprofessional behaviors of Police or Lager officials and otherwise provocation that came up in between the period of the Bus Tour like in Offenburg – but none of such existed in Ludwigsburg Rural District notwithstanding all attempts of the Police provocation.
According to the Police statement in the file available to us, it was clear that the accused Rex Osa was not with the activists in the bus at this time (co-accusing Mr Lang was also aware before hand), but fine and good had telephone conversation with the Police in Konwestheim in a matter of understanding and language communication problem that existed between the Refugee activist and the Police.
There was neither a demonstration registered on that day in Ludwigsburg on the alleged day nor was there any demo in connection, in collaboration or with participation of the activists of the Liberation Bus Tour.
This framed charge of so called illegal protest that was neither registered nor existed in Ludwigsburg District on the said day exposes repeated Police and Judicial culture of miss-using authority to criminalize activists they desperately intend to persecute.
Criminal Police Officer Lang who like many other Police officers was very intensive in his disturbing telephone calls to monitor our movements seem to be one police Officer that has taken our humble and Polite manner of communication highly for granted.
On our telephone conversation Mr. Lang promised of his presence with colleague in civil vehicles, no obstruction in any form but hang around to maintain their duties of intermediate presence to control potentially emerging conflicts in case there was any. I even reminded him of our usual experience of him promising and later sending other Police Officers to the scene who would do the contrary with claims that he is not aware of any agreement - but Mr Lang gave his words of assurance which he never fulfilled to the simplest terms.
Mr. Lang disturbing calls started days before our planned visit and it was even in these disussion that we were able to extract 2 addresses of refugee isolation lagers in Enz District as he claimed that part of Enz district was under the Ludwigsburg Police control.
Mr. Lang claimed in his confession that i could only speak “Afrikaan” because he couldn’t reach a good understanding with me because of my bad English skills – What a noble experience to know a Police officer who expresses great pride in his English communication skills.
If the racial criminal codes were not deliberately meant to maintain the Nazi status quo, having a professional English-German police Officer Lang should solved the problem of translating Criminal Charges in English to ease better understanding and further translation of racially inclined criminal codes that makes no clear sense in other language – if they were deliberately not meant to keep the racist status quo
I deeply regret having offered that debt of a so called cooperation discussion with Mr. Lang as i was actually not obligated to do so. I take that as a lesson for the future anyways.
The State Attorney’s “Mr ….......... from Stuttgart” interest to carry on with this frame up charge confirms a desperate conspiracy to criminalize me because I dare to question and expose State institutionalized injustices, isolation, discrimination and exclusion as part of modernized execution of racism and fascism.
After several attempts by the police to accuse other activist for damage were dropped by the Ellwangen State prosecutor based on obviously unfounded accusation, State Attorney …...... from Stuttgart was caught in the bait to connive with the Police to rope me up with their hierarchical culture of imposing “WORTFÜHRER” - ( actually Leader but translated deceptively as spokesman) on me.
Just as a desperate target to make sure a scape goat is made out of our mission to have exposed the deeds of the state.
Attorney …............................... also as Stadt Schutz we are aware of as an Hard Core Perseutor who tries to keep his duties of defending the cultural status quo, Maybe he will try to be fair at list for once to prove himself.
We are used to this culture of police framed testimonies that crowds our daily lives as activists and the German Judiciary being compelled to legitimate their false accusations and lies. But this cannot stop our resistance if only they would understand that our struggle is also aimed at liberating State Officials from dependence and Zombi like enforcement of injustice.
The VOICE Refugee Forum Baden-Württemberg
Office Stuttgart
Böblinger Strasse 105
70199 Stuttgart
Handy:+49 (0)176/27873832
More information:
Please support our fight for the natural human rights of refugees and migrants in Germany and donate to compensate our expenses for legal repression:
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