Dubious deportation Clearance with Nigerian Embassy delegation on 23-27 Feb in Dortmund
Problemfall Abschiebung (1/2)
Dubious delegation from the Nigerian embassy will once again identify black African Refugees for deportation clearance.
Wie Nigeria und Deutschland zusammenarbeiten
Please spread the information around to inform and warn refugees about the
mission of this delegation.
Some refugees who had ignored previous invitation may not recieve any invitation but will be picked up by Police by Sunday/Monday night and conveyed to the venue by force.
Deportation Clearinghouse: Nigerian Embassy
Germany has been engaged in a desperate lobby work to involve refugee country embassies in collaborating to produce deportations. Mobile deportation hearings are conducted routinely at premises of the Police, Alien Offices, Airport etc. As the Embassy delegate is invited to one of these premises, asylum seekers and migrants who have been tagged for deportation are summoned before the delegate who is expected to identify their nationality through physical appearance or accent. The compensation for this service that Nigerian embassy provides to German Alien authorities was made since years public. The Nigerian embassy's leading role in this dubious practice confirms the Nigerian government determination to serve colonial injustice. Activist of the VOICE Refugee Forum had since 2007 confronted the embassy on the issue, criticised such corrupted dealings with a clear demand:
Stop the mobile deportation hearings of the Nigerian embassy in Germany.
Stop all Deportations.
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For more information:
The VOICE (Stuttgart)
Email: thevoice_bdw@yahoo.DE
Tel./ Wazapp: 017627873832