Betreff: Strafverfolgung wegen zivilen Ungehorsams gegen die sog. „Residenzpflicht“
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident,
sehr geehrte Frau Ministerin,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir protestieren gegen die drohenden Haftstrafen für Flüchtlingsaktivisten aus dem Flüchtlingslager in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Wir sind voller Respekt gegenüber der Entscheidung von Leke Aremu, Farook Khan, Raphael Paul und Frankline Ndam, lieber ins Gefängnis zu gehen als für ihre Bewegungsfreiheit zu bezahlen.
Die Residenzpflicht ist bis heute nicht wirklich abgeschafft; sie isoliert und schikaniert weiterhin und trägt dazu bei, dass Bundespolizei und andere staatliche Behörden racial profiling (rassistische Kontrollen z.B. an Bahnhöfen) betreiben. Das Gesetz ist neo-kolonial und rassistisch; deswegen muss es abgeschafft und nicht Gelockert werden. „Gelockerter“ Rassismus und Kolonialismus ist
nichts, was wir akzeptieren können.
Die Baden-Württembergische Landesregierung hat letztes Jahr die Menschenrechte der Flüchtlinge aus Mazedonien und Serbien im Bundesrat verkauft – vorgeblich, um als Gegenleistung die
Residenzpflicht abzuschaffen. Dass nun gerade in Baden-Württemberg Menschen aufgrund dieses angeblich abgeschafften Gesetzes ins Gefängnis gehen, macht die Angelegenheit noch zynischer.
Hier werden Menschen in Gefängnisse geworfen aus dem einzigen Grund, dass sie ihre Menschenrechte wahrnehmen und sich keinen Regeln unterwerfen, die ihre Würde verneinen.
Wir fordern Sie auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Anklage und die Erzwingungshaft gegen Leke
Aremu, Farook Khan, Raphael Paul und Frankline Ndam fallengelassen wird.
KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen
Marienstraße 52, 42105 Wuppertal
Telefon: 0049 (0) 202 27 27 95 34
Betreff: Strafverfolgung wegen zivilen Ungehorsams gegen die sog. „Residenzpflicht“
Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg Villa Reitzenstein - Richard-Wagner-Straße 15, 70184 Stuttgart
Ausländeramt des Landkreises Schwäbisch Gmünd, Haußmannstraße 29, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Landrat Klaus Pavel, Landratsamt Ostalbkreis, Stuttgarter Str. 41, 73430 Aalen,
Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold Rathausplatz 1, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Ministerin Bilkay Öney Ministerium für Integration Baden Württemberg, Thouretstraße 2, 70173 Stuttgart
The VOICE Refugee Forum on The Refugee Demonstration against Residenzpflicht in Schwaebisch Gmünd - Campaign for Freedom and Liberty.
“Residenzpflicht still means Apartheid” - “Lager still means elimination”
Leke Aremu, Farook Khan, Raphael Paul, Frankline Ndam are facing imprisonment with the aim to force them to pay fine for breaking the Residenzpflicht
From on the 2nd March 2015 in Schwaebisch Gmünd refugee activists continue their protest against the announced imprisonment.
Refugee activists calling for urgent action: See statement of the refugee activists of Schwaebisch Gmünd Lager in Baden-Wurttemberg:
For about 4 years now refugee activists in Schwaebisch Gmünd have been protesting the structural exploitation and isolation of the peoples’ maltreatments in their protest and campaign against the insecurity and institutional racism in Germany and Europe. Since April in 2014, they have been continuously criminalized and intimidated by the repression of the state authorities in their Lager residence.
We are here - In Movement for Freedom and Liberty!
We work to expose the human rights violations by the German state which feeds the people’s ignorance of public insecurity from the discrimination of refugees through the policies of isolation culture in the inequality of human being by the segregation and apartheid laws that are associated with the structural violence and racism of the state authorities officials in Germany and also by creating the fear and insecurity to scare us from Self-Organization in the isolated refugee Lager
We, The VOICE Refugee Forum, do reaffirm our solidarity as testimony to the activists on civil disobedience against residenzpflicht who have vowed in the interest of public security and human dignity to resist the imposition of the “apartheid – residenzpflicht” law for refugee asylum seekers and in solidarity with the oppressed refugee as we highlight on this campaign in unity with the refugee resistance in protesting against the repression and the abuses they are permanently subjected in the daily lives where the refugee welcome culture is based on the culture of Deportation and Lager isolation.
There is a problem here: In Germany Refugee Movement have continued to resist the Residenzpflicht laws and have kept calling for civil disobedience action to expose the obnoxious laws against refugees since the last 20years and till now by The VOICE Refugee Forum, The Caravan for the rights of refugees, The Break Isolation – Asyl Strike Berlin, Lampedusa Movement and Non-Citizens, Asylum Seekers Movement and so many others more demanding for the immediate abolition without compromise.
We are appealing to everyone to take a stand against these abuses and to demonstrate consistently in solidarity with those under the threats of imprisonment due to their political protest with every means of civil disobedience to reach their demands without imprisonment.
Civil disobedience against restriction of movement is a call for freedom and liberty!
Civil disobedience is a grassroots media of those oppressed by the threats of state repression!
Civil disobedience act by those under the state oppression is legal for public interest!
We demand for immediate and complete abolition of Residenzpflicht laws
We protest against every form of threats and imprisonment or intimidation of the refugee activists on civil disobedience.
Our protest is directed against the politicians and state officials who empowered the existence of these selective and discriminative laws of residenzpflicht to exist in Germany.
We campaign to break the Residenzpflicht and to stop the deportation!
We demand for life decided by our own in freedom and human dignity1
The VOICE Refugee Forum.