The VOICE Refugee Forum Germany - Flüchtlinge und Asyl in Deutschland
Press Release May 25th 2015
We call to support Miloud Lahmar Cherif in his upcoming trial at Local Court (Amtsgericht) Arnstadt Room 210, (Längwitzer Str. 26, 99310 Arnstadt), at May 28th 2015 – 10:20 am as to provide a critical solidarity!
!!! Racial Profiling is Racism by Law and Order and has to be fought on any occurrence by Legal Disobedience !!!
Racial Profiling – racist harassment by “slandered” perpetrators
Intrigued lies and arbitrary justice versus Legal Disobedience
A non-white (=non-German?) person is controlled inside a local train heading to Meiningen in one of the deepest corners of Thuringia /Germany by Federal Police officers – just like “that”…with no reason given. The subsequent question for their intention did also led to no reasonable explanation: “This is our job and the law gives us the unconditional right to control you…” was the cheap and preventatively downplaying answer of these executive officers as to camouflage their motivation in question.
Miloud Lahmar Cherif’s statement:
Racial Profiling is daily executive terror against human beings in Germany who are “on their surface” identified to be strangers. It is strongly connected to a perverted understanding of a racist and segregating form of “freedom” by a German Nation which is as essential part of the Nobel Peace Laureate EU massively incriminating refugees, migrants and people of color (more than 3.5 million controls with the consequence of detection of 0,4% of them being so called illegalized refugees). Another side effect of this disparate mass harassment is mentioned to be “the subjective sentiment of security with other (German) travelers…” as the German Internal Ministry is quoted about Federal Police control in trains and stations.
But by still continuing this practice of control the executing officers do not only routinely violate constitutional and human rights ( as well as ignoring the recently established practice of law classifying such controls for no reasons anticonstitutional (e.g.…) but also counteract against the common principle of administrative duty, which stipulates appropriateness of means executing such duty. Taking into account the connected error rate of such controls as high as 99,6% effectiveness or at least appropriateness of means is surely far beyond convenience.
Perfidious at most is the fact that the actual target groups of this arbitrary terror of police controls are most presumably human beings who either actually fled from police violence or other militant persecution back in their home countries or are well informed about excessive police violence against people of color here in Germany – like for instance the horrible death of Oury Jalloh, who was burnt alive in a police detention cell in Dessau back in January 2005 although the courts established his arrest to have been unlawful (https://initiativeouryjalloh. and reports/article-462) or the forceful death of Laye Alama Conde at the very same day in Bremen, who was drawn by violent application of an emetic by order of the police (“Police doctor acquitted over forced vomiting death” or Aamir Ageeb, who was suffocated to death on a Lufthansa deportation flight in1999 ( and and many more shot to death from Christy Schwundeck ( /2947) to Halim Dener ( – with no any sentence to prison terms nor any removal from police duties for the officers involved! - racism kills!
Additionally to these general remarks on racism by law and executive police practice in Germany in this ongoing case we yet have to talk about another phenomenon, which routinely encounters once the controlled person (of color) dares to thoroughly question sense and nonsense or even the legal motivation of an arbitrary federal police control taking place. As most of the times federal officers fail to be able or just willing to plainly define the legal grounds or suspicions of their controls comprehensively, the assumption is quite natural that one is encountered in a control due to racial profiling.
Politically conscious people who openly address the matter of a police control being racist right at the spot are routinely charged with offences of honor of those executive officers who repulse socio-political education from the people concerned.
In this present case the causelessly controlling federal police officers felt offended by Miloud Lahmar Cherif conclusion of the control be racist according to established practice of law in Germany in case of no given reason – please note: the control!
Like almost with any charge handed in to the public prosecution office by police officers the attorney in charge routinely filed a penalty order which was signed in by a judge from the pile. Police officers are by principal first class “victims” or witnesses with the German juridical system as they are prosecution and investigation force at hand of the attorneys office at one side and otherwise receive special protection and an explicit “executive bonus” from the side of the judges for “reasons of state” (even if false testimony was/is proven before or else in front of the very court!).
So it is with Miloud Lahmar Cherif’s case as he was self-defending his constitutional and human right to be free of discriminative treatment through the police by calling the ruthless control by its name: racist! He even filed in an administrative complaint at the federal police station in Meiningen as to confront racial profiling once again in German courts. In reverse he was indicated for insult by the federal police officers, institutionally accused of defaming executive officers by the prosecution office and charged with a penalty order of €300 by a judge respectively. The chain of institutionalized criminalization was closed in smooth routine as to downbeat his conscious attitude against unlawful police action by plainly naming racist practice at stake – despite the alleged principle of separation of the powers of state (like executive police from justice)
Refugees are first of all “produced“ by western policies like arms exports and de-stabilizing military interventions, political corruption of colonial elites and substantial support of dictators, economic adhesion contracts like “EPA” (…) and land grabbing ( -over-financing-land-grabs), predatory exploitation of natural resources abroad and adversities of climate change…when they opt to flee out of the region their miserable or war-shaken situations they are immediately persecuted and “illegalized”…they die in thousands in the desserts, jails and in the Mediterranean Sea…and those who made their way to Europe are held as hostages of the so called “Dublin-System” of deportation and are incriminated by discriminating laws and administrative practice, are institutionally segregated from the European White societies and systematically degraded by daily racism.
Already from this background of experiences one can disqualify the nationwide racial profiling controls and question related “authorizing laws”. The imputed “crime” could still only be an application for asylum as person of color in Germany. Essential to racial profiling control is very often an arbitrary, imperative and chauvinistic style of communication (mostly in German language only) as to avoid the necessity of arguing or explaining legal grounds to alien people. Last not least we again remind you about the undue hardness of ineffectiveness of such controls as more than 99% of all of these arbitrarily controlled people of color have committed no crime (which is even “less efficient” than stop and search action of the British Scotland Yard:…)
We do strongly condemn the inexplicable racial profiling control of the federal police in Thuringia as well as the unsustainable allegations of defamation against our friend and activist of The VOICE Refugee Forum Germany Mr. Miloud Lahmar Cherif. We denounce the upcoming criminal procedures as an institutionalized act of perversion of the course of justice in order to intimidate and criminalize him.
The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Mobil: +49176 – 24 568 988 (en)
+49176 – 99 621 504 (de)