Wuppertal and Jena
Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 15:00
International Café, Marienstraße 52 in Wuppertal
Jena: Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 4pm
Haus auf der Mauer, Internationales Centrum
Johannisplatz 26, 07743 Jena
Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016
Kein Bleiberecht - Deutschland fliegt 125 Afghanen zurück in die Heimat
Als Signal in der aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise fliegt Deutschland 125
Afghanen ohne Bleiberecht mit einem ersten Sonderflug in die Heimat aus.
Die Chartermaschine ist bereits in Kabul gelandet. Mittlerweile gebe es
genügend sichere Orte in dem Land.
Deportations of refugees have always been the core of the German refugee policy. Today, after having criminalized the refugee communities by dirty propaganda against Roma or North Africans and having undermined the international solidarity between various refugee communities the German government has started to intensify deportations. Isolation camps are installed to ease deportations of refugees from Balkan. Agreements have been arranged to deport refugees to Algeria. The first deportation flight to Afghanistan flew last week to Kabul.
News about upcoming deportations have reached us. That is why we want to share the news from our area and the experience of the refugee communities in the resistance against deportation. The rich experience in the struggle against deportations is based on our self-organization for more than 22 years in THE VOICE Refugee Forum and for more than 18 years in the network of the CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants.
By sharing the news and experience we want to enable ourselves to expose the deportations and define ways how to expose and stop them. To be able to defend our rights it is necessary to inform and organize the communities. This is the first invitation. Spread the invitation to fellow refugees in your neighbourhood.
CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants
The Political MOVEMENT - Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe
For a life decided by our quest for a free society, equality and human dignity.
The VOICE Refugee Forum
Refugee Community Network
Break the Culture of Deportation, Isolation and Elimination
Here is the manifesto against deportation formulated in 2007 by the network of the CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants. Read, discuss, and imrpove it to a higher level:
MANIFESTO against deportation
CARAVAN for the rights of refugees and migrants
December 2006
We are people from different countries appealing to everyone, who also wants the origin of another human being or the color of his skin to be as little important as his eye color.
Many of us are here because the rich countries plundered and destroyed our homes and continue to do so. Others amongst us are incidentally born in that region, which makes them owners of a passport of the scarcely two percent of human kind, which are called „German“.
We appeal to all people, who are willing to share learning an d fighting with us; to all people, who came here, because they had to escape over oceans and continents and hoped to build up a life without terror, misery and persecution; and to all people from this country sharing our view that we and the rich, the bosses, their politicians, burocrats and deport specialists do not have a common fatherland: we NEVER have anything in common with exploiters, oppressors, racists, with those who bring war all over the world!
All people, who share and understand our view, who are willing to think and act after this - to those we appeal! We think it is proper, possible and justifiable to organise the resistance here and now against circumstances that leave us no choice – for a future, where everything, what we express in our thesis will have come to an end.
The German State has excelled itself as the European pacemaker and central leader in persecuting and combating refugees and migrants. The other European States have followed more or less quickly. Since the integration of the GDR into West German capitalism the rapid cutback of the Asylum Law began, in the meantime people without a German passport were disfranchised. Temporary culmination was the body of laws “for limitation and control of migration” in January 2005, manipulatively called “Immigration Law”. Human Rights conventions are abolished, immigration is closely connected to economic interests, children and grandchildren, male and female workers, who laboured hard for the German economy, are now needless. For refugees deportation is basically intended. Even plenty of the resident permits of Asylum seekers, which are accepted for years, are deprived via revocation proceedings. Refugees who had been active in national liberation movements or anti-imperialist organisations, are persecuted with the “Anti terror laws”. The body of laws assures the selective access to cheap labour for the economy. The law ensures a modern slave market, the modern slaveholder chooses, who, for how much and how long, is going to work for him.
There is no room for humanity and human rights in this system. This is our daily experience, when we are deported, when our families are disrupted, when our friends disappear, when we are controlled in the streets, when we are excluded from studying and working, when we are not allowed to pass the border of our district, when we have to go to the authorities, when we are haunted by the looks of hatred, contempt and disinterest.
From the beginning migration was directly connected with the development of capitalism. The bondage of selling labour makes people move. Technological progress under the capitalist mode of production leads to crisis of overproduction and increasing contradictions between the working masses and the small group of the owners of industry and capital. Migration is an overpressure valve. In the 18/19th century Hundred thousands emigrated from Europe. Many of them have been directed to North America. The land was snatched away from it’s inhabitants and the peoples of origin have been destroyed. Many Millions of Africans were displaced to North and South America, they were flayed to death as slave workers for the multiplication of wealth. It was still not humanity, when slavery was officially abolished. Because of the growth of capitalism and the increasing mass production the factory owners needed wage slaves. They should now buy the goods for the price of the factory owner, the goods that they had made with their own blood and sweat.
The class of the owning uses migration to put the workers in competition with each other and to dictate the wages and conditions of exploitation. If the world is divided between the richest and most powerful States, an open fight amongst them is about to begin. The stagnation of capital flow has to
be negotiated. After the first two so called world wars the sphere of influence and power of capitalism was constricted because of socialist revolutions and anti-colonial struggles of liberation. After the breakdown of the socialist States at the end of the 21st century capitalism restores temporarily as the global world system. Immediately the struggle for a new dispersion of the world begins. Substitutional wars, imperialist attacks and occupation of resourceful and strategically important regions continue more and more quickly. Migration and escape increase. Migration control becomes a strategical question for the owning classes of the West. Borders become military upgraded fronts, inner-European detention centres for refugees and migrants are amended with camps on the outside of Europe. Through economical pressure and bribery many countries become vasalle states of the European migration controlregime. In the meantime in Europe the biggest mass deportations since the end of the 2nd world war take place.
Global capitalism forces to migration. Not the deadly dangers of the journey, not the knowledge about the many dead, not the military or the police machinery can stop migration. The profit-makers of neocolonialsim are discussing at the time, if they can create some hope for the bettering of living conditions in the poor countries. This is not meant to become reality, it is meant to fool the people and to make them hold out. The increasing struggles against imperial aggression and the own corrupt elites shall be stopped with the Western „War against international terrorism“.
In the same way that we know that the rain can never flow upwards from below, we know that capitalism can never produce a righteous, peaceful and free world society.
Is our first and superior demand, connected to all following points.
The “status” of illegality is defined by those who violate basic human rights permanently. It is defined by the state that represents the power of the ruling class. It is defined by the ruling class that is responsible for misery and poverty and wars. It is used to create cheap labour force. It is used to make objects out of us that can arbitrarily exploited, hunted and deported. Therefore we demand the abolition of the illegal “status”. Every human has by birth its legitimate right to live in dignity and the right to use all of the sources needed for living.
The right of political asylum has been eliminated from the basic law. Various legal statuses for residence are employed for refugees and migrants coming from places other than Europe. Pressure is created by linking different residence statuses with the new social reforms, the so called HARTZ IV. Migrants working and living here since long time can be forced to leave if they became unemployed. The refugees living since long time here and being rejected have to live without perspective under the so called “tolerated status”. Our future is destroyed and permanent fear is created with such residence permit because deportation is the final consequence. The residence status regulates or limits the access to education and to the work market. Therefore we resolve to fight for the unlimited free residence for everyone! We demand unrestricted access to work and education for everyone!
Today deportation is part of the process of international migration control. While there is no limit for the capital flow obstacles are created to hinder people in their movement and restrict them to designated areas. We demand our right of free global movement and the right to stay wherever we decide to live. Struggle for access to all the achievements of humanity worldwide: knowledge, technology, natural resources. This is the only way to achieve worldwide democracy.
The system of deportation creates and repeats corruption everyday. To find channels to pass the migration control and to go to the destinations refugees have to pay money to dealers. The dealers use the money to buy the elements of the controlling system. In most cases the officers of the system are the most corrupt people and benefit from the system itself. Here in Germany refugees are held in remote Heims (Camps) and in unbearable situations to increase the budgets of the local councils. In order to realize deportations authorities of the countries of origin have to be bought, contacts and promises and money flows from the representatives of the host country to the migration offices, ministers and so forth of the countries of origin. Political and economic pressure are brought to bear on the governments of the countries of origin to enable arbitrary deportations.
Deportations have been used as a safety valve to avoid crisis created by the system itself. Reduction of social costs is one of the aims. Migrants sending back money to the countries of origin reduce the social conflict potential. Refugees being deported from the host country reduce the social costs of the administrations and the state. Thus migration control in both directions is used to maximize the profit, to feed the bloated burocracy and avoid any crisis, while the situation of the poor worsens and the selection continues.
The insecure and rightless residence permit status of many migrants allows extreme exploitation up to slavery-like working relations. In the same time the total control of the State and regimentation of migrants creates countless employments in a dispensable giant apparatus, financed by public taxes. With the maintenance of camps ( for example Bramsche, Hesepe or Halberstadt), deportation prisons (for example Büren or Hannover- Langenhagen) and residential accomodations, with the maintenance of foreign offices, foreign police, migration control organisations (IOM), Federal offices and central registers for foreigners, with the maintenance of Foreign Agents, Integration Agents and Integration comissions, Teaching staff for Integration courses, social workers and carers plus the paid workers of the NGO’s a machinery is existing, which produces, administrates and benefits from human suffering.
Refugees and migrants are criminalized when they demand their basic rights. They are criminalized when they name the criminals. The special laws are the basis that allow police controls and brutality. Police controls of those who do not look typical “German” pushes the refugees into a criminal space. It allows the society to strengthen racism in the society. It allows the police assault and it is offending human dignity. The responsible persons are free of any charges and penalties. We demand our basic rights and an end to impunity of police crimes.
Within Germany various types of camps and Lagers are in place to keep the people under control and break their will. The system of Lagers is a complex system of racist segregation and of social exclusion that aims to force the refugees to leave the country. It is there to make clear, that we are not welcome. All Heims, Aufnahmezentren, Abschiesbegefängnisse, Ausreisezentren exist to exclude us from society. It is made to avoid relationship amongst people. The system of Lagers promotes segregation, racism and is an obstacle to relationships between people. The Lagersystem is an old system used in the colonies, in German Nazi terror, Japanese fascism and all the other places where fascist ideologies were in practice. Today, the European Union and Germany as one of its core powers are expanding the Lagersystem beyond the European Union, like in North Afrika and in Eastern Europe, like in Ukraine. The expansion aims to held those escaping the misery out of Europe. The wealth, that is taken away from other continents is brought to Europe and is to be shared among the European rulers. A small piece is given to the masses here in Europe to keep silent. Therefore we resolve to fight the Lagersystem and any forms of Apartheid.
Special laws were applied by the European conquerors to dominate those who were defined as subhuman. The definition of subhumans lead to the Nazi-Terror and Apartheid. And this Apartheid still continues. Today, laws originating from those times still apply to refugees in Germany. The Residenzpflicht (Residence Obligation Law) (police order from 1938, in Togo and Namibia it was in practice by the Germans) as one of this laws restricts the freedom of movement, denies our basic rights and leads to racist segregation. The Residenzpflicht excludes us from social life, separates us from each other and prevents us from culturally and politically organizing ourselfes. We call the Residenzpflicht “German Apartheid law”. We fight for the abolition of all special.
The payment rules linked with the residence status force us into poverty. In addition to the inequality manifested by the foreigners and special laws, is social inequality. Limited health service and reduced social aids are pushing us under the minimum of existence, as defined by the State for Germans. Further shortages and complete deletions are also used for punishment against those, who are not leaving the country. Goods and Food vouchers and are given to refugees to exert further social and psychological pressure on them and to control them. The sanctions of the existential covering up by the State is also used for Germans in a graded way. It applies to those, who are needless from the view of the capital. It shall support the rat race (und die Ellenbogenmentalität) amongst each other and create obedient subjects. We demand the elimination of the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz and a complete social and health care for everybody.
Deportation is employed to manifest and demonstrate state power. It is used to create fear and maintain power and perpetuate powerlessness. It is employed to eliminate oppositional forces. It is a violent act of state including death and torture. It is used to force people to obey the rules and principles exerted upon them by the ruling powers. It is used as punishment to break the will of the people. The permanent thread of deportation is state terror, aimed to spread fear and scare amongst a part of the population.
The Anti-Terror and security laws enacted and applied with September 11, 2001 to restrict the political expression and right of political activists. Refugees and migrants especially are victims of the new laws. The fight against terrorism is extended to cultural and political groups that defend the rights of the people for self determination, self-organization, and against exploitation and neo-liberalization worldwide. The new security laws are a method to remove and cleanse people that are an obstacle to free domination of capital. Therefore we resolve to fight for freedom of freedom of speech, freedom of political expression without being criminalized.
Concerning the rights of women, the lie of the new immigration law is also obvious. Neither the official implementation of the gender-related persecution nor the official comments against forced marriage caused a real improvement for refugee- and migrant women. Still a lot of women who faced sexual violence in their home countries by state or non-state persecution or who are afraid of any other violation of their right of self-determination are being deported. Additionally the precarious working-conditions a lot of refugees and migrants have to face in Germany deprive them of a lot of rights and by that support sexist exploitation and violence against women.
We are deprived of the protection of familiy and childrens rights, when we come here as refugees and migrants. We are not allowed to let our families follow or with certain conditions the state tries to hinder us. Even when we are here already, we are often forced to live separated. The deportation of single family members is applied on purpose to force the departure of those who remain. Our social unity and integrity is destroyed by law. The duty of public welfare for refugee children and adolescents is denied. By authorities arbitrarily increasing the age of minors and the special law legislation the deportation is prepared for the moment of the age of consent. Even deportations of underage orphans are legitimized. In consideration of this, we have decided to fight any attack of the state against our families and children.
In the course of the discussions the European ruling class that have dominated the world since the discovery of Columbus and that is as well responsible for the migration reasons requires from refugees and migrants to adopt the value of the “western civilization”. For us this means to accept their definitions, their history writing their system of exploitation and oppression. The policy of integration is a policy of domination and assimilation. Integration in our sense means a safe, solidaric and self determined life, which presumes a common process of learning of all elements of society. We resolve to fight against any kind of forced assimilation and control and exclusion.
With it’s system of isolation of refugees, the camps, the special laws, Residenzpflicht and mass deportations and also with it’s militarism, Germany is in it’s own historical continuity. But not only with it’s own. German fascism with it’s enormous crimes during the years 1933 – 45 is allegorised as an exception. We think that it threw those “civilised” manners of leadership aside, with which capitalism comes along in it’s very centers. But they have never counted in Africa, Asia and Latin America, since the western conquerors had stepped on these continents. There was and still is fascist barbarianism making the day of the colonial masters. In the South and North of America hundred millions became the victims of colonialism, peoples were wiped out completely; from the North to the South, Africa had suffered Genocide, massacres and the enslavement of many millions; the victims are uncountable that colonialism caused in Asia and war, occupation and torture are ruling the middle East today. We are speaking out against a view of the world, in which fascism is only the barbarianism between “Whites”, this is a “white” historical lie. We say, who speaks about fascism, may not silence capitalism and colonialism.
In the course of history millions of slaves were displaced to use their labour force. Today, the Giant Corporations of the first world act globally and determine the destiny of the majority of the world. They destroy the living basis of the majority of people in the world in order to maximize the profits. They dictate the rules of the societies and are the reason for migration worldwide. They plunder the natural resources and exploit the labour force of the masses. They determine the trading conditions. For the exportation of ressorces the import tax was lowered. For the particular stadiums of further processing the taxes are raised, to avoid of national industrialisation. There are protective duties against the agricultural production of our home countries, in the same time the price on the world market is depressed by products of the west, which are subsided by the state. Small producers and farmers do not sell their goods or are forced to sell them below price. The “liberalised world trade” serves the corporate groups of the Western industrial countries. They get cheap recourses, their subventionised goods conquer the world and destroy local production. The so called free trade conventions work as weapons of mass destruction. Misery, poverty and the flight from country to city and from country to country grows.
Deportation starts when people are forced to migrate to survive. Therefore we demand to stop any kind of economic intervention.
Imperialistic aggressions and wars are destroying human lifes every second. Imperialism needs war and the business with war to repress the forces of those longing for life, to secure natural resources, to repress the will for freedom of the people, to secure the labour force and to secure the exploiters at any level cause victims every day. The military methods of imperialism reaches from arm and military help for the marionette regimes, the stoking of civil wars (proxy wars) and military interventions, to wars of aggression and the occupation of other countries. We say no to all this wars and arm trades. And resolve to defence ourselves against any aggressive act.
Deportations is one of the methods of the imperialism and capitalism to maintain borders, classes, gender discrimination, races, casts. From its earliest beginnings capitalism has always been an international system. And it has always been a hierarchical system with many degrees of superordination and subordination. It pits in all degrees and in all levels exploiters against exploited and rival exploiters against each others. At the bottom are those deprived of everything and those are in today’s Western Europe those deprived of basic rights and those being deported. In order to stop deportations we have to fight for a transformation of the society and elimination of any exploitations between ourselves. The use of deportations are an expression for the backwardness and degeneration of society. Fighting against deportations is fighting for social progress on all levels.
Deportations have always been used to divide people of different ethnic groups, religions, colours, languages and sexes. The deportations today from Germany aim at groups of different origins and groups. By doing so, the solidarity between refugees and migrants and between Germans and refugees is undermined. Therefore we resolve to organize ourselves and overcome the barriers. Solidarity and unity among us is the only way to resist the attacks of the state and the deportation machinery. We, the oppressed and exploited, resolve to solidarize and unite to fight any domination put on humanity.
In solidarity and unity
we have decided to fight for all the mentioned demands,
for human dignity, for our basic rights
and for all rights that we are deprived of.
(We resolve to fight in solidarity and unity for all the abovementioned demands, for our basic rights and for all the rights that we are deprived of.)