[lampedusa-in-hamburg] Black Lives matter! Court-case against Issaka (LiH)
Issaka, a comrade of the Lampedusa group, wanted to go back home since many months because he is not seeing a perspective here - the live as a refugee has made him ill - but first, he needed his passport and, second, he could not go on the journey alone. Instead, since May he is in prison because - having no money - he used the HVV (public transportation) without ticket and - panicking in confrontation with people in uniform as a traumatized refugee - he resisted the policepeople who arrested him.
It is a crime to put Issaka in jail. His doctor certified what this means for him. However, instead of letting him free and helping him to get home, at the moment there is a court-case against him. Last time, the officially established 'expert' suggested that Issaka is totally fit.
This shameful court-case will go on Wednesday, 07.09.2016 at 9:30 in Amtsgericht St. Georg Lübecker Tordamm 4, 1st floor, room 101.
Please come and show your solidarity with Issaka!
Black Lives Matter!!
Contact: Ali Safianou Touré, Tel.: 01521 8218050