Update on "Solidarity Alarm for donation": To all the people who received our call https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4494
French: "Alarme de solidarité pour des dons": à toutes les personnes qui ont reçu notre appel https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4497 Greek: «Έκκληση για δωρεά» https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4495
OPEN LETTER - Independent funding for our refugee-migrants community networking and events
Our Presence Represents Your Freedom | We are here for our liberation from the global Apartheid
Never Forget, Never Forgive the persecutions and deaths of refugees and migrants in Europe!
We Are Our History!
The Black Box is a manifestation of our presence, our fights and also our decades of refugee and migrants for Justice in Germany. It is a model process of a conceptual platform for documentation and recording of the struggles.
Your donation is for the critical space of refugee political autonomy
"The VOICE Refugee Forum Germany" Calling for Donation:
Our Solidarity in Freedom of Movement with the Refugee Political Community Campaign against Refugee Persecution, Deportation, Colonial Injustice, Racial Violence and against the Social Exclusion of Refugees and for the freedom of political prisoners.
Lets make continuity be the first choice in our fight for justice
The VOICE Refugee Forum, we do not request financial support from the state institutions. Not in the name of the persecutions and deaths of refugees, and not in name of the military occupation of our continents by Germany and European's Union apartheid deportation regime!
Your donations strengthen our autonomy and independence of the refugee community struggles without the state institutions' finances and we are against their systematic policies of migration leading to the deaths and abuses of refugees.
Do you stand up with us?
Please start to donate regularly to The VOICE now! We are in our struggle for political autonomy and for the ecomnomic independent of the refugee political community networks.
Our daily activities are financially supported by private donation and solidarity initiatives only
We know, without your private donation we cannot continue the struggle for liberation!
Solidarity Campaign for grssroots agenda
The Political MOVEMENT- Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe
Campaigns in English | German | also in Multilingua texts.
Ongoing political campaigns:
English / German
Schließt euch uns an und steht in Solidarität mit Dr. Magsud Aghayev von der Flüchtlingsgemeinschaft Apolda-Thüringen
https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4483 English | German
Video Stop Deportation threats Now - Dr. Magsud Aghayev has a fight - Our solidarity is our liberation https://vimeo.com/258116136
- Cambodia Campaign "We need freedom" Erfurt
Cambodian Campaign
- We need an Answer to NATO war in Afghanistan - Refugee Community Jena
Protest Deportation Deal Makers! No Deportation, No NATO, No War!!!
- Regular meetings in Thueringen and nationwide refugee community meetings and participation.
- Refugee Black Box in October 2018 in Jena
- Caravan Networking for the rights of refugees and migrants Network
Donation Bank Account:
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29,
BIC: NOLADE21GOE. The VOICE e. V., Sparkasse Goettingen
Multi Lingua
Break the Deportation DNA Chain: "Refugee Black Box" The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted" - Beyond the Court rooms!
Grassroots Solidarity Campaign - the community
The Political MOVEMENT- Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4099
Links in English and German:
The Slave and Colonial Culture of Deportation
1st Refugee Unity - Community Demonstration in Apolda (Thueringen)
English: https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4422 + German
Thueringen Press: Demonstration gegen Abschiebung: Rund 50 Flüchtlinge ziehen durch Apolda
Thank you all!
In solidarity,
The VOICE Refugee Forum
Donation Account:
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Sparkasse Göttingen
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29