Program will be updated
Invitation to the Preparatory Events for the 25th Anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum
3rd to 6th October 2019 – JENA
We are proud to inform you of our political commitment to empowering the continuity of our community struggles against deportation all through the events of the 25th anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum with decentralized activities in different cities in Germany starting from October, 3rd till December 2019. The Network will be powered by the „RefugeeBlackBox Solidarity“ initiatives.
We are calling for a powerful nationwide RefugeeRefugeeBox networking in the preparatory meeting in Jena. This event will start at 2 pm on Thursday, 3. to end at 2 pm on Sunday, 6th of 2019.
The final call and discussions of our meeting will be focused on the further networking preparatory meetings to discuss our activities for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum in MORE cities of Germany. We will be planning a special event leading to the open celebration day of the 25th TheVOICE Anniversary together at a later date in December 2019.
We are inviting you to make our self-organized solidarity struggles' "history" against deportation visible.
We, this is The VOICE Refugee Refugee Forum, are a political refugees' and migrants' community network. We initiated the RefugeeBlackBox – Solidarity campaign against deportation in 2017 in Jena.
We want to invite refugees and migrants activists from different localities, who are interested in the RefugeeBlackBox - solidarity campaign to participate in the development of a decentralized preparatory network to make the events of the 25year anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum successful which will be symbolized by installations of the RefugeeBlackBox.
On July 20th The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena launched the first open preparatory events of the black box campaign protest against deportation with a demonstration of 10.08. in Gotha. Since then we also had RBB Installations protest on 24.08. in Dresden and an installation workshop in Wuppertal and in Berlin there was a discussion with the title „Every refugee is in the RefugeeBlackBox.“ There were open RBB installation workshops performances in Eisenberg. September 20th this week the Caravan Refugee Women Festival took place in Hamburg which was successfully celebrated in protest with RefugeeBlackBox.
This year in Dessau there was an Oury Jalloh memorial Installation. There have also been regular RBB meetings and installations as part of our RBB events, including a solidarity concert by The Goldenen Zitronen in Erfurt and participation in the Fusion Festival.
Since October 2018, there have been open events of the 24th year anniversary of The Voice Refugee Forum empowered by the RefugeeBlackBox activism, the African youths community Jena.
Information and workshops events took place in Gotha, Berlin, Wuppertal and Bielefeld and more cities with reference to different countries of refugees and campaigns against deportations. More information is archived by the Radio Fm “Voices“ Berlin.
We want to inform you that the date of the 25.TheVOICE Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebrations in Jena and other cities is not concluded. We are challenged to the special preparation of this event for financial support and political contribution.
Due to the late preparation of this year's celebration in the first week of October many financial and logistical obstacles were created. To celebrate 25.TheVOICE in October was not favorable to take our struggles on a higher level.
We need all it takes to shake things up.
During the events, there will be interactive performances to give and take a „piece“ of it all in our call for freedom, in solidarity and with respect to the sign and signal in the justice of refugee struggles against deportation. What comes in goes to us – Defend the refugee BlackBox - reclaim political autonomy
Please let us know when you can be here and how many refugees and migrants activists interested come with you to participate in our events.
Please, also inform interested political refugees you know to connect with us soonest. This is an opportunity for political refugees and migrants community activists in Germany to connect with the RefugeeBlackBox solidarity network.
There will be topics
- Presentation and Review, reflection and testimony on the history of The VOICE - and the refugee struggles
- Autonomy and decentralization of the RefugeeBlackBox Installations
- Discussion, workshops, films, installations
- Exchange and documentation of the present situation of refugees
- Parade, gyration performance with rap and hip-hop, RefugeeBlackBox installation
- Live music and party with Marap (Hamburg) and Jamal Kamano aka. Konta (Berlin)
Tentative Program and Brainstorming on Political Autonomy and Decentralisation of the RefugeeBlackBox – Solidarity Campaign
Thüringen refugee meetings and discussion with information exchange on refugees' situation and about the RefugeeBlackBox „gyration“ performance: „I have my names, my presence is dignity.“
The potentiality of RefugeeBlackBox activism manifested in networks for socio-political participation and political decentralization since 2017.
Ideas on the decentralization of RefugeeBlackBox – 25. The VOICE Silver Jubilee. What we want and what could we reach with it.
- Discussion on
Refugees and migrants autonomy and decentralization strikes.
The autonomy of selforganization in determined locations.
What we are doing in short and long term RBB Installations
What protest is planned against the deportation regimes: Thueringen community empowerment in Gotha on self-organized RefugeeBlackBox community and Berlin for RefugeeBlackBox installations like protests at the Nigerian embassies and Gambia Consolate deportations, and in more cities and countries of refugees' protest in Germany?
- RefugeeBlackBox installation
- "Alarm Phone" Mediterranean Boat Installation and Parade in City of Jena
Defend the RefugeeBlackBox solidarity!
Each deportation stop pulls down the mask that covers the human face!
The fight against deportation had always been in the center of The VOICE‘s political activism. Fighting deportation means fighting against nationalism, white supremacy and colonial racist injustice!
Do you want to effectively do something to improve society towards peace and justice?
Support The VOICE Refugee Forum celebration of 25 years of self-organized autonomous refugee struggle!
- Start to donate now! 25 years of The VOICE Refugee Forum – A thousand times 25!!!!
- First invitation to the 25th anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum