English and French: Petition Thomas Sankara]
French: http://www.grila.org/petition_french.htm
English: http://www.grila.org/petition_english.htm
International Justice for Sankara Campaign Coordination
(514) 499-3418 / (905) 686-7287
Sankara Petition: Support Our Victory Against Impunity
We, the undersigned, congratulate the United Nations Human Rights Committee for its recommendations below and encourage it to ensure that they are respected by the State party, Burkina Faso.
“Thomas Sankara's family have the right to know the circumstances of his death, (…) The Committee considers that the refusal to conduct an investigation into the death of Thomas Sankara, the lack of official recognition of his place of burial and the failure to correct the death certificate constitute inhuman treatment of Ms. Sankara and her sons, in breach of article 7 of the Covenant.”
“Under article 2, paragraph 3 (a), of the Covenant, the State party is required to provide Ms. Sankara and her sons an effective and enforceable remedy in the form, inter alia, of official recognition of the place where Thomas Sankara is buried, and compensation for the anguish suffered by the family.”
“The State party was unable to explain these delays, and on this point the Committee considers that, contrary to the State party's arguments, no time bar could invalidate proceedings in a military court, and consequently the failure to refer the matter to the Minister of Defence should be attributed to the Procurator, who alone had the power to do so. The Committee considers that this inaction since 2001, despite the various remedies sought subsequently by the authors, constitutes a violation …”
In solidarity with the people of Burkina Faso, we demand that the regime of Burkina Faso respect the UN decision in its entirety and finally allow complete national reconciliation.
To endorse the petition online, please click here Sign Petition online
Name Signature Address
CIJS Campagne Internationale Justice pour Sankara
Coordination /(GRILA)
(514) 499-3418/(905) 686-7287
Petition Sankara : Soutenons notre victoire contre l’impunite
Nous, soussignes, felicitons le comite des droits de l Homme des Nations Unies de ses recommandations ci-apres et l encourageons a les faire respecter par l’Etat partie Burkina Faso.
«La famille de Thomas Sankara a le droit de connaitre les circonstances de sa mort (…) Le Comite considere que le refus de mener une enquete sur la mort de Thomas Sankara, la non-reconnaissance officielle du lieu de sa depouille, et la non rectification de Pacte de deces constituent un traitement inhumain a l egard de Mme Sankara et ses fils, contraire a l article 7 du Pacte».
«En vertu du paragraphe 3 a) de l article 2 du Pacte, 1 Etat partie est tenu d assurer un recours utile et effectif à Mme Sankara et ses fils consistant notamment en une reconnaissance officielle du lieu de sepulture de Thomas Sankara, et une indemnisation pour l angoisse que la famille a subie»
«L Etat partie n a pu expliquer les retards en question et sur ce point, le Comite considere que, contrairement aux arguments de l Etat partie, aucune prescription ne saurait rendre caduque l action devant le juge militaire, et des lors la non-denonciation de 1 affaire- aupres du Ministre de la defense revient au Procureur, seul habilite à le faire. Le Comite considere que cette inaction depuis 2001, et ce, en depit des divers recours introduits depuis par les auteurs, constitue une violation…»
Solidaires du peuple burkinabe nous demandons que son regime respecte integralement la decision onusienne et permette enfin une complete reconciliation nationale.
Pour signer la petition en ligne, clickez sur petition en ligne
English and French: Petition Thomas Sankara]
French: http://www.grila.org/petition_french.htm
English: http://www.grila.org/petition_english.htm
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Petition Thomas Sankara
From: "dipama hamado"
Date: Thu, December 13, 2007 7:46 pm
To: thevoiceforum@emdash.org
Le mouvement Sankariste de Munich vous demande de continuer la signature
de la petition sur cet site: http://www.grila.org/
Et vous remerci pour le soutien.