In Solidarität mit dem Flüchtlingsmarsch nach Brüssel im Mai und Juni 2014 - Power allen Aktivisten, die noch immer an Bord der Freiheitsbewegung sind
Null Toleranz gegenüber Ungerechtigkeit!
In Solidarität mit dem Flüchtlingsmarsch nach Brüssel im Mai und Juni 2014 - Power allen Aktivisten, die noch immer an Bord der Freiheitsbewegung sind
Null Toleranz gegenüber Ungerechtigkeit!
In Solidarity with the Refugee March to Brussels in May and June 2014:
Power to all activists that are still on board the freedom movement
4000 Menschen demonstrieren für Lampedusa in Hamburg
Video: 4000 Menschen demonstrieren für Lampedusa in Hamburg
1. Mrz 2014 von Dominik Brueck In Video Tagged Lampedusa in Hamburg
Am Sonnabend wurde in der Innenstadt wieder für eine Bleiberecht der Gruppe Lampedusa in Hamburg demonstriert.
Parade for our rights -- We are here to stay!
Demonstration und Parade am Samstag, 1. März 2014 13:00Uhr
Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, Hachmannplatz
One year Lampedusa in Hamburg – No Peace for the Senate of Hamburg!
The group Lampedusa in Hamburg calls for a demonstration on the 1. March 2014. The demonstration will be held on the occasion of the first anniversary of the end of the “Emergency North Africa” program for the reception of war refugees from Libya in Italy which was terminated on the 28. February 2013. The Italian authorities had at that time closed down the reception centers and had turned the refugees out onto the streets, they had given them residence permits and urged them to leave Italy towards northern Europe. With this action the Italian authorities clearly stated what many assessments and reports from human rights organizations also verify – that there is no perspective for a humane life for refugees in Italy.
Graphic Foto: Migration d. Initiative Gruppe e V
Michael Stade
Verlängerte Goethestraße 87
99880 Waltershausen
Bundesministerium des Innern
Alt-Moabit 101 D
10559 Berlin
Offener Brief
Waltershausen, den 27.02.2014
Flüchtlingsschutz für Roma - Offener Brief
Between the Desert and the Sea
Struggles for Freedom of Movement in Africa
Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 1pm
Marienstraße 52, Wuppertal
Lampedusa in Hamburg
Demonstration und polito-kulturelle Parade
Samstag, 1. März 2014 ab 13:00 Uhr
Hamburg Hauptbahnhof - Hachmannplatz
Spread the message of the resisting refugees and their struggle and mobilize for the coming Saturday to Hamburg:
Hatef Soltani
United We Stand Against Deportation in Solidarity!
Good news, Hatef Soltani got the ticket already, he'll arrive with Turkish Airline today, on Wednesday, at 21:30 in Frankfurt Airport hopefully, the ticket from Frankfurt to Berlin will be ok then. Thank you all.
Rome 15.02.2014 - Mai più Cie! - No more Deportation Prisons! from claudio feliziani on Vimeo.
Rome - Ponte Galeria CIE - Identification and Expulsion Center for MIgrants - the biggest in Italy with 300 places. In December 21, 2013 the inmates are 100, men and women. 40 of them start a hungerstrike. Some of them sew their mouths too. The strike ends with the deportation of 5 of the strikers.