Deportation to Turkey Terrorist, says Erdoğan
A Kurd who grew up in Germany is deported to Turkey and flees back to Germany. Now he lives in an anchorage centre.
Murat Akgül, deported and fled back, in DonauwörthPhoto: private
Deportation to Turkey Terrorist, says Erdoğan
A Kurd who grew up in Germany is deported to Turkey and flees back to Germany. Now he lives in an anchorage centre.
Murat Akgül, deported and fled back, in DonauwörthPhoto: private
After 30 years in Nuremberg: Family father deported to Turkey
Murat Akgül came to Nuremberg as a child - now he asks again for asylum - 07.08.2019 06:00 Uhr
Link to orinal tex in German
Nach 30 Jahren in Nürnberg: Familienvater in Türkei abgeschoben
Murat Akgül kam als Kind nach Nürnberg - nun bittet er erneut um Asyl - 07.08.2019 06:00 Uhr…
Assemblée des Réfugiés du Brandebourg - Déclaration et appel à l'auto-organisation des réfugiés
L'auto-organisation des réfugiés dans le Brandebourg
Geburtstagsgeschenke für The VOICE 25.
Leiste deinen Beitrag zur Feier von 25 Jahren The VOICE Refugee Forum
Du bist Teil dieser Geschichte – ein Vierteljahrhundert seit dem Aufbrechen der Isolation
25. Jubiläum von The VOICE Refugee Forum, 1994 bis 2019 von Mühlhausen nach Jena/Thüringen, Deutschland
Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Vorbereitung und der Feier des 25. Geburtstages von The VOICE am 6. und 7. Dezember 2019 in Jena
Statement and Call of Refugee Selforganisation in Brandenburg :
We, the exiled refugees and asylum-seekers living in Doberlug-Kirchhain Red Cross refugee camp, have fled war, destruction, dictatorship and economic difficulties in our homelands and asked for asylum in Germany. But our life has become more complicated in Germany since BAMF claims ultimate control over the asylum-seekers’ life and limits all sorts of movement.
You are part of this history - A quarter of a century since the break-up of isolation
25.The VOICE Refugee Forum Jubilee, 1994 – 2019 from Mühlhausen / Jena in Thueringen, Germany.
Call to participate in the preparation and participation in the 25.TheVOICE Anniversary and Celebration on the 6th and 7th of December 2019 in Jena
Breaking the Culture of Deportation - Deportation is the last ring of the slavery chain | RefugeeBlackBox - Solidarity (Initiated in 2017)
25.TheVOICE: You are part of this history - A quarter of a century since the break-up of isolation
25.The VOICE Refugee Forum Jubilee, 1994 – 2019
Founded in Mühlhausen and Established in Jena / Thueringen- Germany.
Silver Jubilee Anniversary on the 6th and 7th of December 2019 in Jena on:
The VOICE - Refugee assembly in Thueringen | RefugeeBlackBox Installations parade against deportation crimes | Live concerts
Photo: The VOICE FORUM Germany
56. Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
56. Ausgabe: Schaltet ein auf THE VOICES mit Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
TOPIC OF THE PROGRAM/Thema des Programs:
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Beim Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 26th October 2019/ Samstag 26. Okt. 2019
Call to participate in the preparation and participation in the 25.TheVOICE Anniversary and Celebration on the 6th and 7th of December 2019 in Jena
Breaking the Culture of Deportation - Deportation is the last ring of the slavery chain | RefugeeBlackBox - Solidarity (Initiated in 2017)
Again and again, we call for your support and contribution:
Dear friends, Activists and Sympathizers, please take note and help to support the transportation cost and mobilization of refugees from your localities and beyond to Jena
Nationwide refugees and Migrants community delegates will be participating in the celebration with us and in our struggles against deportation crimes and the colonial injustice during the 25th year of The VOICE Refugee Forum on 6th and 7th of December 2019 in Jena
RefugeeBlackBox Agenda
We need donations!