Photo Miloud speaks at The VOICE - Refugee Conferece in Stugart 12.03.11
Refugees were invited to exchange their experience and commitments to strengthen the ongoing refugee community networking and self organization in camps as a core focus in the conference.
The participation of refugees is crucial for the struggle against discrimination and injustice. In Baden-Württemberg this process now is getting started as refugee communities are building up in the different refugee camps.
Solidarity is the weapon and refugees are calling for sincere solidarity with the ongoing campaign against camps, food packages, restrictions to the freedom of movement and other forms of discrimination and injustice against refugees.
Tuttlingen District deprive Refugees from participating in Refugee Conference in Stuttgart
Delegationsbesuch des Isolationsheims in Hardheim und Witthoh in Baden-Württemberg
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Isolationslager in Hardheim, Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis
Refugee Community in Zella-Mehlis, Thueringen demand for the right to live a free life in Germany
Flüchtling in den Tod getrieben? - Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Ausländerbehörde Gifhorn nach dem Suizid eines Asylbewerbers