Saturday, 27.4.2013, Demonstration of the Refugee Community in Wolfsburg: „Genug ist Genug!“ "Enough is Enough"
Aufruf zur Demonstration der Flüchtlingsgemeinschaft Wolfsburg: „Genug ist Genug!“ English/Deutsch:
Samstag, 27.4.2013, 11:30h Wolfsburg Hauptbahnhof
Aufruf zur Demonstration im Rahmen der Break Isolation Kampagne
(with English Subtitle.)
Alain Nkurunziza lives in the Wolfsburg refugee lager since 2007, in March 2011 in Frankfurt a.M. was target of a racial profiling control. Brought to court for breaking Residenzpflicht, he protest to oppose in civil disobedience against the racist law. Threatened with two weeks imprisonement he answered " I don't understand why I have to pay... Freedom of movement is a fundamental right." Solidarity is our weapon.
Refugees Liberation Bus Tour “Break Isolation Strike” - The Tour is planned through Lagers in Baden Württemberg and Schwaben Bayern from April 26th in Karlsruhe to end up with a demo in Stuttgart on June 8th.