Foto by Thomas Kriska (Jena)
Information event in Weimar on the "March for Freedom - Strassboug to Brussels from Berlin" during the Monologue Theater which took place in Weimar on the 10th of April 2014
As expected, along with activists from "The Voice Refugee Forum" who were in Weimar to support the Asyl Monologues from Berlin and inform the participants about the struggle of refugees, and also about The "March for Freedom".
My speech was focused on the March "Strasbourg-Brussels".
I explained to all participants the reasons, why `refugees, migrants, supporters...´from different part of Europe are organising this March, the purpose, and our demands.
Unfortunately, time was running out due to the presence of different guests "The Voice Refugee, Amnesty, Refugee..." I could not say much on the theme.
But the most important thing was that the message was passed on and the public had the opportunity to know more about the initiative.
Finally, we distributed flyers for more information.
As part of the mobilization our Mobilization events, I am using this opportunity to remind you, that on the 19th of April at 11:00 o'clock in Jena The Voice Refugee Forum is organizing an Open Meeting with refugees and you are well come.
*Power and Honor*
*Mahmoud M.Yassine*
*The Voice Refugee Forum*