Seeing the massacre in the Sicilian Channel, we migrants, on the front lines of the daily struggle against the government of mobility and movement, declare that in the war of borders we side with the women and men who seek freedom. Whatever the reason: escaping war, dictatorial regimes, persecution or simply the desire to change life.
Mass murder in Lampedusa: Shame on EU! Refugee Protest in Rome, 10.October, 2013

In Gedenken an die Toten des Schiffsunglücks vor der Insel Lampedusa,
sowie aller anderen Toten der Festung Europa
5. Mittwochsdemonstration “Lampedusa in Hamburg – Wir bleiben hier!”
16.30 Uhr am Protestzelt (Steindamm 2)…
French Origin - Subtitled in English.
The VOICE Refugee Forum Network
Lampedusa in Berlin: We are the Refugees coming from Italy with international protection but no rights. We survived the NATO bombings and the civil war in Libya, to be homeless in Italy.

15.October Rallies Against Deportation Collaboration and Police Brutality in Berlin and KarlsruheGerman: Prozessbericht zu Mbolo Yafanyis Gerichtstermin vor dem Amtsgericht Tiergarten am 26.9.13
Manifestion on 10 October 2013: Nigerian Refugees Call for Public Rally to Protest the Asylum Authority in Karlsruhe
Faxkampagne für das Flüchtlingscamp in Karlsruhe!
Video Testimonies of Deportation to Nigeria and Togo:
Testimony of Deportation to Nigeria
After the 'Emergenza Nord Africa', a governmental project aimed at providing adequate funding for the reception of migrants reaching Italy from North Africa and especially from Libya, came to an end on 31 December 2012 (see PICUM Bulletin, 6 February 2013), refused asylum seekers and refugees are no longer provided with shelter or accommodation by the Italian Government.