Refugees regret and mourn the death of Francis Kwame and criticise the German executive and judicial organ in charge of refugees affaire.
We regret and mourn the death of our fellow refugee Francis Kwame in Hamburg. This is one of the outcome and evidence of stats repression, injustice, discrimination, war in Libya.
We didn't survive NATO war in Libya - to die in the streets of Hamburg!
Francis Kwame is dead!
Francis Kwame , according to the information, had survived war in Libya, where he had lived and worked for almost 20 years . Lost all he had worked for so many years, obliged to quit Libya to exile, to protect his life in Europe.
"He did not die in Hamburg, he did not die in Lybia, he died in the moment when NATO decided to attack Libya!", one Afghan refugee said during the first presentation of the video in Jena during a meeting of THE VOICE Refugee Forum. Someone said thereafter: "He died even once before, when he left his land and his familly to Libya, to work and be able to support the family back home."
Arriving in Europe, he surprisingly confronted himself with an open injustice and xenophobia. Instead of been protected, he became a fighter to protect himself. Finally he is dead! Who kill him?
African refugees in general are been exposed to discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the European society of which Germany plays a great role and is not excluded. Despite the fact that African refugees are the minority, when talking about refugees population in Europe or Germany.
Through our practical evidences in Germany, African refugees are been treated with an aggressive measures, by the executive organ of the German government. The institutions in charge of refugees and migrants affairs, the federal and local administrative offices, intentionally and aggressively interpret the Asylum laws and the residential law negatively, when it concerns Africans. Resulting that a lots of African refugees are dispersed in different region of Germany, interdicted not to work, obliged to restriction of movement, isolation, criminalisation, paving way to the deaths of a lots of refugees.
We are equally criticising the federal and states judiciary organs of the German government in charge of the asylum and residential laws, that are not doing enough to protect the independency of judiciary, so as to protect the interest of the vulnerable African refugees concerned.
We are raising an alarm on the abusive negative interpretation of the Asylum law and the residential law. Stop killing us!! We will revenge!
KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und Migrantinnen (Wittenberg)
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The Voice Refugee Forum (Wittenberg)
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