The silent war and the daily persecutions against refugees in Europe
Discussion on the isolation of Refugee Struggles in our communities:
Pre - Refugee Seminars and Workshops on 20year of Resistance
A call for an egalitarian society and for unconditional rights to residence in Germany:
All Rights here - Here we are!
Unite against Deportation and Social Exclusion
Make a donation 750 X 20€ for 20 year anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum for financial autonomy – no applications
"In light of these cruel and barbaric attacks against our struggles (all over Germany), we call on all refugees and migrants all over Germany to critically rethink and strengthen our networks in our communities and act together. Together we are stronger"… Mbolo Yufanyi
A Refugee movement cannot be achieved by hunger strikes in the public space, squatting, occupation, civil disobedience in isolated fights for deportation stop or stay right and demonstrations without a transparent and collective empowerment toward reaching our final declaration or manifestation that involves “every one of the persecuted community, The refugee” - and beyond in our revolutionary emancipation as in the last 20years of our history.
Meeting on Saturday, Start at 11:00 o´clock (Schillergäßchen 5 Jena, Voice Office/Library).
We would like to introduce some topics to you concerning the celebrations
of "20 Years of Refugee Resistance and Community Empowerment" on the 1st
to 5th of October 2014 in Jena for discussion:
- Contents of the Call
- Program, political agenda and cultural initiatives
- Network Mobilization and propaganda "tools"
- Finance issues (especially decentrally self organized responsibilty for
fund raising)
We also want to inform you that we would like to celebrate an open meeting
on the first weekend of August ( Saturday 2nd und Sunday 3rd in Jena) ,
with other refugees, activists, supporters ... who were directly or indirectly involved in the history of The Voice Refugee Forum and The Refugee Struggles
Our wish is to participate in the meetings with a clear-cut vision of what we want to do within the 5 days of celebration in October.
Suggestions of topics for Conference and Workshops of the 20 years Anniversary celebrations:
Unite the Resistance - "Refugee Community Solidarity instead of Hierarchy"
(Perspectives and Strategies of Activism beyond Breaking News Actions)
- Refugee rights to freedom of movement and settlement with a focus on the importance of continued self-organisation of refugees:
- Perspectives of Activism beyond Breaking News Actions
- The Crimes of Deportations and Persecutions of Refugees
- The silent war and the daily persecutions against refugees in Europe -
We are calling for the closure of all deportation prisons, full stop of racial profiling and abolishment of any form of persecution of refugees.
We seek to establish a consistant regime to control officials of the system and their executives as a matter of self defense - Control the Police - Self-Empowerment of our human Dignity.
PS: If you have another point that you believe essential to be discussed in the meeting, be free to share it with us
Koordinationstreffen der AktivistInnen von The VOICE Refugee Forum in Jena
Der alltägliche stille Krieg der Verfolgung gegenüber Flüchtlingen in Europa
Diskussion über die Isolation von Flüchtlingskämpfen in unseren Communitys: