Saturday at 19:00
Cafe Lipopette - Warthestrasse 9, 12051 Berlin Neukölln
We are going to discuss the different political developments on Refugee Resistance in Berlin and surroundings, the vision of a Refugee Center and how to go collectively to Jena with one or many Buses. Translation (during the discussion) into different languages will be taken care of
“20 years are not enough” -
Unite against Deportation and Social Exclusion
The Elements of Persecution and Crimes of Deportation
Outcome report of the refugee meeting in Jena.
A two day meeting on the 6th and 7th of September 2014 took place in Jena.
The main discussion was about the Self-understanding of Refugee Struggle and the political potential of refugee position in EU.
There will be an after-discussion chilling music from allover the Refugee globe. Bring your music if you can.
Hope to see you there.
20yrs. The VOICE Refugee Forum: Faltblatt - Flyers in English / Deutsch / French / Arabic
Everyone 20€ --- Dein Geburtstagsgeschenk für 20 Jahre The VOICE Refugee Forum
The VOICE Refugee Forum ruft auf: „Vereint euch gegen Abschiebung und soziale Ausgrenzung zum Jubiläum von 20 Jahren The VOICE Refugee Forum“ – 20 Jahre Widerstand und Kampf gegen Deutschlands rassistische Gesetze, durch die die Verfolgung von Flüchtlingen legitimiert und gesellschaftlich normalisiert wird
Final CALL for Registration for the 20 Years of The VOICE Refugee Forum