Declaration of the inhabitants of the refugee camp in Katzhütte on the visit of local and regional government representatives on February 26, 2008
D e u t s c h :
Offene Einladung nach Katzhütte am 11.03.2008 ab 11:30 Uhr
-Stellungnahme der Bewohner der GU Katzhütte zum Besuch der Vertreter von Stadt und Land am 26.02.2008
Open Invitation to Katzhütte on March 11 2008, 11:30hrs
Informational meeting and press conference in the lager of Katzhütte
(Oelzer Straße 44, 98746 Katzhütte)
Broken wall in Katzhütte lager
Dry rot in the sleeping rooms of asylum-seekers in Katzhütte...the problem exists since years already
On February 26, 2008, representatives of the District Office and the Municipal Administration visited the refugee camp in Katzhütte. As can be taken from the press reports from the ‘OTZ Rudolstadt’ and ‘Freies Wort’ newspapers, the camp administration, the Municipal Administration and the representatives of the District Office have attempted to trivialise our declarations regarding the camp, even going so far as to declare them to be untrue. As a result we - the asylum-seekers from Katzhütte want to offer another informational meeting and a connected press conference on March 11 2008, 11:30hrs at the lager of Katzhütte.
Referring to the press and media reports so far we find a scale of information as from unconcealed implications regarding the truth behind our complaints in a number of regional newspapers with identically worded assertions and on the other side critical MDR-broadcasts via radio and television on the given realities – although the last were not permitted to film inside the lager or quarters!
Our meeting is meant to produce just another chance to come into an open dialogue with the decision-makers as well as to create more objectivity with respect to the local press.
We kindly invite representatives of the Thurigian ministry of internal affairs, the district-administration, the municipal council of Katzhütte, the wardens office of the lager Katzhütte, regional and national media, engaged human rights organisations as well as asylum-seekers and migrants.
The meeting is not only focussing on the objectiveness of the local media but moreover aiming on the clarification and positioning of the officials in charge regarding our demands:
- immediate closing of this refugee camp
- granting of normal accommodations in which we are allowed to exercise our right to dignity!
- Social welfare without vouchers
- freedom of movement without „Residenzpflicht“
- enforcing of applicable „Bleiberecht“ and
- termination of the ongoing deportational mentality
The inhabitants of the Refugee Camp in Katzhütte
For more information please contact
Mr. M. Sbaih: 0162 3574667 in Katzhütte.
The VOICE Refugee Forum; Handy: 0176 24568988.E-mail:,